Why Success Is Never Constant In Life


Very few people in this world don’t focus on their success rather they will improve someone’s life. That someone could be a human, animal, bird, or any living being who is not able to live a normal life. In simple words, we can say that they try to promote the growth of abnormal living beings and their satisfaction makes them happy.

Success can be measured by money, physical assets, a record, etc. Remember this is the conceptual thinking of human beings because everyone is chasing this kind of success throughout their lives. One can make money only when he/she agrees to work for it. And when there’s a difference in the level of skills, intellect humans can dominate each other in various ways.

In our experience, we have seen that money doesn’t remain with forever mark. There are ups and down’s which then translates into losses and profits. It’s next to impossible to maintain the consistency of profits than losses. And certainly, it’s no joke because if one’s winning then there will always have to be someone who is losing.  

Okay, let’s take this example. In the stock market or the Cryptocurrency market there are buyers and sellers. It’s easy to understand that to earn profit you need to sell at a higher price. So if the person selling is in profits then definitely the buyer is at risk of losses until he/she sells higher than the buying price.

There’s no saying that he/she will be able to sell the share at a better price. We can only hope to make it someday or never. Success is very much similar to this because there are going to be an equal amount of failures. Even after achieving success, there is no guarantee that you will still be called successful. It’s just an entitlement over a position and nothing else.

There are successful businesses and yes they have achieved consistently throughout their lifetime. There are big companies, people who have maintained their status of success till their death. But no one tries to question how they made it possible. And the secret for holding the position for a longer period of time is through humble attitude and way to look towards growth.



You might have heard a lot of stories about them but very few, in reality, are that humble. It is said that level of arrogance, ego increases as a person climbs to success. Yep, it’s a bitter truth, and that is where they make some aggressive investments and lose everything that they had earned in their lifetime.

These negative values are the common destroyers of your thinking. And ultimately this mindset kills your investment. The next way one will surely lose their position is through being over-confident. What they think is that once they have been successful in their business then it’s easy to achieve the same amount of success in others.

Overconfidence can get such bad for a person that it sucks your years of hard work. Remember that out of every 100 businesses hardly 1 survives with consistent year-on-year growth. You might be running a big company but it was possible because of the right support from the people and customers.

Even after analyzing the potential of a business, people make mistakes. Due to small hindrances, it becomes impossible for them to grow in the future. There are some companies that get great amount of support from investors but after a few years, they are unable to clear their debts at all. So imagine if you invest all of your money in these companies.



Humans who constantly talk about the amount of hard work they have poured into their businesses will never be able to grow them. The reason behind this is creating attachments with the time and money they have lost in building the business. Every person who wants to become an entrepreneur does it and that’s where they become attached not to business but the time and money they have lost in the process.

If you hold on to the past you will lose brilliant opportunities which are lying ahead of you. There’s no guarantee that the business you own will always remain successful. These attachments won’t let you live free. Flexibility can be greatly considered as a value missing in our life. When we were child we never thought about our hard work because we were not able to perceive it. The level of intellect was less than what we are having right now.

Try to recollect those moments and be the happy child of not knowing anything. You have to embed the values of your childhood of being flexible and kind-hearted. Your success can never remain constant and that’s why you will always have to stay grounded no matter how successful you are. Remember that.

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