When is Men’s Mental Health Month

Mental Health

Studies suggest that Men in the US are likely to live six years lesser than that of women. That’s why throughout June men and boys are told to take care of their mental health. Compared to females, males have lower health literacy rate and that is why men are exposed towards health issues and complications. Men don’t take consultation of doctors at the right time no matter whatever happens because they feel themselves as strong. Physical strength is what matters to them and they ignore what issues are happening to their mind over a period of time.

It is found that men don’t confront or share their thoughts with the people in fear of being called as weak. No matter how close they are, men are less likely to open up and that is why it leads to suicidal mentality. Whereas this is completely opposite in case of females. They are the one’s who will first open up to the people whom they feel comfortable. Even if it’s a small issue, they will more likely to take help from their friends. And that is why they tend to live longer than men in general.

To all the men who find themselves in this condition, they need to understand that no matter how much muscles you build in the gym or go aggressive on others, you won’t find peace until you talk to someone and find out way yourself. It’s important to free your mind from these unhealthy thoughts and this will happen only by your will. So June is a month where you need to celebrate and enjoy your life keeping a look over your mental health. It’s not just June, but every day you have to remind yourself and take care about your thoughts. That’s how you will find peace internally.