Why Coronavirus Vaccine Won’t Be The Best Solution

What’s the first thing you did in this quarantine, while waking up early in the morning? Okay, not early, but what did you do when you woke up the next day? You know, I can read your mind and the answer is watching news or reading about the update on the number cases arising around you. Right? And not only this but your main aim was to listen about the vaccine. Ah! That was the perfect guess.

You know what, this has become common now. Everyone is running behind the vaccine and most of them are claiming that they have invented the most effective vaccine. Who won’t do that because there is lot of competition going around the world. Someone is saying that vaccine will be available in few months, some say that vaccine will be available within a year and some of them even say that it will never be invented.

In this world of constant chaos, it feels like whom to trust. Right? So you might now have some kind of trust issues because none of them are staying committed with their words. But trust me none of them will because the companies themselves are looking for good profit margins.

They are looking for effective strategies which will help them to increase those profits. I mean they are looking for that time which will help them to sign the deal or an agreement with the Government. Those companies with huge organization structure are forcing their employees to find the solution to the current problem and that’s why there is an increase in their working hours and shifts.

It’s hectic for common individuals to survive and medical staffs, as you know they are the most affected ones. They are the ones who are affected the most. Getting paid low and on top of that more number of shift hours.

And what’s the reason? Coronavirus pandemic. Yes, we all are blaming that virus for this destruction. But will the problem be solved by this blame game? Before the year 2020 was started the world was running as it should be, but in just few months everything just changed. We never knew that this situation will make us realize about the importance of vaccine.

Even when everyone was informed about this deadly infection there were very few people who never accepted this as a problem. They did what they like as it was just a normal thing for them.

Even after clearing the guidelines in order to prevent the infection from spreading, but some of them never followed it. And you know what they are the ones who actually create danger for the other people living in the society.

Due to such kind of people who don’t follow steps like wearing a mask or making less physical contact as possible, spread and multiply the rate of infection. We might feel ashamed of us such humans, but we cannot change them. That’s why we call humans are unique. Unique in different ways.

So, coming towards the main point where the entire world is fighting to find a vaccine. But the question arises that why we are budding so much of interest towards it? It can be from different range and one of the common need is living the normal life again. Yes, we all want to live a normal life again because that’s what we all want. But do you still think that a problem will end by a vaccine?

There are so many questions about a vaccine because everyone is rushing towards it. What has happened right now is that the time is less and there is nothing more effective than a vaccine because that’s what we think. There are so many problems from finance to suffocations inside a close room. Mental and physical health is so affected that is causing a great impact on our routine.

But before just thinking about a vaccine, have a look over the affected minds first. Suppose, if the vaccine is built and successfully passes every step and gets available in market tomorrow. What will be your reaction? Will you step out of your homes next day?

I will never judge that vaccine will be effective or not but the mind still doesn’t try to experiment first. It’s a matter of understanding and a bitter truth that when there is a danger most of us don’t want to step first.

I don’t know, if you have ever observed this in your everyday life that whenever we are feared from someone, we never try to approach them in those few days. Just like, suppose in childhood, when you have done something wrong, you might not approach your parents or won’t confront to them. It’s very common behaviour for most of the people because no one wants to take that chance.

Similarly we won’t take chance where there is situation of life and death. So why are we running behind a vaccine. It’s because we want to kill this current situation. We want to just move out from those unbearable struggles. You know what, when we get to know that when a country has the most powerful weapon, we are afraid a little.

Though they might not harm you but still there is a fine boundary between your fear and happiness that can create a great difference on how you feel and what you feel. It’s because of that fear, we humans are different.

Similarly, even in this situation we have a certain amount of fear, for most of the people their own lives matter the most. A vaccine with its full strength might cure an infection but most importantly we will still think before stepping out. See, it’s not about who will step out first, but the most important thing matters is our safety. We cannot stay for our entire lives at homes, but we can protect ourselves by following certain rules.

Take Care

We need to stop creating panics and avoid spreading rumours. It’s a serious situation but our survival is more important. If there is no money, we can’t fulfil our needs and that’s how the life’s formula works. We are dependent on each other for survival. The world works on value and that value can be generated by the way we are creating it right now.

We can never achieve success by spreading hate and violence. Most importantly, we need to take care of ourselves and our family because that’s what the world is doing. Even if coronavirus vaccine might not come with that much of fruition but we can avoid this disease from spreading by following those simple guidelines. Furthermore that no matter how much the serious the pandemic might be, but at last the world will heal by itself. We have done this before and everything will be back to normal. Remember.

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