Why You Shouldn’t Argue With Fools


You might be thinking ‘oh is that a question or an advice’. But more than a question, it’s an advice because we are doing it even if we understand this topic very well. And yes we all know that we are humans and of course we make mistakes but this is not a mistake because we do this at a regular basis. We argue a lot. Arguing has been a value of human beings which flows in every blood cell. Just joking, don’t take it seriously! But yes we will always fight back then that can be an introvert or an extrovert. There is no disparity at all.

What does a fool mean to you? As per the English dictionary, a fool means a person who is silly or stupid. A person who doesn’t have any proper judgements or performs action without sense. It basically means an idiot. So who is that idiot and that is the most important question. When there is a conversation between two people, each of them can have different suggestion and that is why they begin an argument.

Suppose you and your friend are discussing about a summer vacation plan. Imagine you have a strict budget but your friend has higher spending power. There is a point that you both agree to make equal amount of contribution. Your friend surfs through the internet to make a package plan and also creates a budget for the entire trip. He does it according to his budget and limits. He creates a plan with what he can spend.

After few day when he is done with everything, he shows you the plan. It consists of the hotel photos, the nearby tourist attraction, places to visit and at last he concludes the budget. After seeing those numbers, you are shocked. Those number don’t even match your three year’s summer vacation plan. So how will you feel? How will you feel when you had waited for a month to create a budget from your best friend, but then he shows you which is beyond your reach.

That might give you goose bumps and even your summer vacation plan might go fail. And that is how the argument starts. What will you say when you see those figures. “Oh My Ghosh, you wasted my crucial time. You could have asked me before making a budget.” And your bitter words might hurt your friend eventually making him angry. Thus leading to argument.

At that moment you might feel that he is a fool or an idiot. But what can you do other than fighting. The main reason behind starting of an argument are those emotions which we feel for the other person. And such incidents can trigger your mind. So uncontrollable emotions are the primary reason for starting an argument.


Even if you convince yourself to ignore the situation but you won’t be able to do it because your expectations are devastated. And the main reason you will always see is your friend. In such situation it doesn’t matter how much educated or intelligent an individual is. If the person is shaped with those values, then no one can stop him or her. And the same is this case since those expectations were destroyed by your dear friend.

So you will shout and shout like anything until you are satisfied vomiting your harsh words. If your friend is like you, then he will absolutely defend himself and even start fighting back with you giving some reasons.  So will the argument lead to any kind of solution? If you are reading this calmly and silently in a corner, then you will think, yes it’s wrong. But when the situation kicks in, we see ourselves as totally different person.

We find this situation as a trouble for our mind because those emotions hurt a lot. After that argument gets completed you will make distance from your friend. I mean you won’t talk at all and avoid being in contact for few days. At least till he apologize for his mistake. Don’t worry, we all are doing the same thing and the human tendency is also developed in such a manner.


How many times have you tried to apologized first, when such arguments take place? Honestly, I think so not even once. And if the guess was right then you might be the egoistic person on the entire planet. Egoistic people create a boundary in order to protect their self-respect. I totally agree that in order to gain some respect we need to first protect it or else there will be a situation, where any unknown person can enter your personal boundary.

But an argument often leads to accumulation of negative emotions. Though you might protect your self-respect for the sake of your personal peace, but that problem will never ever get solved. Unless you or your friend say sorry, both of you will avoid being in contact as much as possible.

No matter what happens you will see yourself as a loser and that is why you won’t contact your friend at any cost. That is the main problem causing more amount of distress and poor mental health. You will feel that my self-respect might be harmed but no it’s more about closing the matter peacefully.

Perspective Matters!


This is the most important point that why we shouldn’t argue with people. And that is the perspective of observing the environment. Suppose if you draw a number nine by chalk on the ground. It might look like number nine for you because of your perspective. But when you take your best friend and placed him at the opposite side in front of you. And ask him which number it is?

I am pretty damn sure he will tell you the answer as six because on the other side as per your friend’s observation it resembles a six. And that is what he wants to inform you. As per your observation it is nine. So it depends upon which perspective we are thinking. And mainly arguments take place due to difference in perspective and thought process.

Actually here there is no that can be called as a fool because people are unique by their own thinking. Someone is thinking in a different manner doesn’t always mean he or she is wrong because they are actually giving results by the way they are seeing it.

I know it’s very difficult for you to understand but whom we call as fool might be the smartest person on the planet. And that is where we go wrong. We don’t try to understand other people and when they succeed in their decisions we lag behind. A person who sees other people as fool will never ever be able to succeed. It is important to understand a situation in different perspective. As in the above case what you saw as nine was six to someone else. And they both are right through their perspective. But please don’t create unnecessary arguments thinking the other person is wrong.


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