Why You Shouldn’t Look For Love


This world is more about fake promises, desired love and unrealistic judgements, which we all human beings are doing right now. Mostly the men community who create promises which are based on their imaginations and illusions in order to lure females. It’s still one of the most common traps for young women out there.

Basically they are aware of it but still they never try control it or we can even say that they never try to control their emotions. Females are prey over their daily emotional status while men are controlled by their desires.

Desire in men basically serves a purpose to this world since they help to make females pregnant. If men didn’t get that desire then the world will almost get extinct in few years. Though it still impossible because men can never live without that desire because it’s natural.

But this natural behavior turns out to be dangerous for immature men, looking for relationships. Men actually don’t look for relationships, but they are run down by their pleasures. YES! That is why most of the males out there are never satisfied with the world they live in. I mean men don’t need relationship to be happy, they only require their desires to be fulfilled.

But that’s not the end to the humanity. The most common part we are missing here is the feeling that every human possess. Those emotions we all are suffering through. Frustrations, uncontrolled anger, up’s down’s all of them are your emotions.

Those emotions are flowing throughout our body. And at the same time we are also becoming prey of these emotions. Just take example of anger. When we are angry on someone, we won’t speak to them directly but we will think negative about them in our mind.

Similarly there is also a feeling which stimulates our emotional hunger. We try to find it in opposite gender and yes we always need it. It becomes important part of life. Apart from physical attraction we also create emotional attachments. These emotional attachments is nothing but also called as “love” in our own language.

It can make us feel uneasy but we need to take some time and think about it. Love for us nowadays means physical attraction and that is how we trap our mind in this attachment. A lot of immature individuals fall prey thinking its love. But actually it remains an illusion.


This feeling we create over opposite gender can be treated as love but it never happens in that manner. Love is something else in its actual term. We as youngster or adult sense beauty of the external parts of an opposite gender. The feelings we create is after seeing that face.

Okay, so now we will look at the deeper perspective of what we called as love is actually not. Suppose you fall in love with a young guy/woman. So will you fall in love without seeing his/her face or you make it happen by first judging the beauty.

I know that you will say in public that “I will first see the heart or the internal beauty” but in reality you will fall over the external beauty. No one will love someone unless he/she first observes the external factors. In this current century blind love is hardly found. Apart from males, there are females too who create relationships in order to make benefits.

Since males cannot control their physical urges, their attention gets diverted towards these females. Remember such kind of relationships only remain on the basis of give and take. It is similar to like “if you pay me, I will fulfil your need” kind of idea.

It’s very common and people are doing this in order to fulfil their physical needs. They constantly take care of their physical needs and their desires. But at the same time there remains a large void in emotional satisfaction.

We think that this is love but it’s not called as love because we are creating relationships on the basis of give and take method. Emotional wants are never fulfilled by your partner and that is what millennial and even adults don’t understand.




How many of you find this true? Especially the experienced ones might have been messed up with such tragedy and it leads to break up. These emotional needs are far more important to understand that why do humans fall prey over it again and again.


As we have seen before that we fall over the external beauty of a person rather than trying to find the true value which is lying inside. So the love only remains finding for face, hair, smell and the body. Love actually can never satisfied by an opposite gender. It’s never a satisfaction and trust me no one will ever be able to satisfy your emotional needs because they can never be seen.

Just take an example, when you love someone. What do you look at first sight? Their cute face, eyes, hair nose etc. We do everything possible to grab their attention. So whatever you are offering is a physical need. Emotions are actually an illusion or we can also say our imaginations. When you say love, can you see love? There might be a way to do it, just like working hard for someone in order to gift that present but that can never be called as love.

This term love is actually your hard work which you pour in building someone. Like Child parent relationship, where mother nurtures her child during the growth. So that hard work or struggles that someone takes is called as love. This is as per our understanding and it’s commonly applicable on every human being.

Suppose if someone robs your three lakh diamond (you don’t have) then how will you feel. The amount of hard work you have poured in buying it will feel wasted. You will definitely take care of it as much as possible because you love it.

Similar is the case in relationship, where hard work means love and that is why when we break up with someone we can’t bear that hurt because we feel that we have poured so much of work in nurturing and protecting it.      


A lot of people might feel this statement as a kind of awkward but it is the root cause of pain and hurt. When we totally depend upon someone for growth, our thoughts get aligned in that manner. We start thinking about them and we never think about ourselves.

First and foremost you should be grateful for this life because you are blessed with almost everything. People see happiness in others and forget that they are carrying in themselves. When we try to make others happy, it forms as an expectation to get something in return. That is the most toxic form of love because we will never be able to forgive them until that expectation is completed.

Then the similar drama will carry out in the future. So in order to avoid that situation happening in your life, you need to take care of yourself first. Self-love is most important because unless you don’t love yourself, you will never be able to love others.

And that is why you should avoid falling in love because humans have a very toxic kind of mentality. That dependence can lead to depression for life. To all the youngsters who are reading this, you need to take care of yourself first. Love never exists because it is always an illusion. Don’t fall into unnecessary problems because of your desires. Always remember.

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