Why You Should Not Marry At Young Age


When we see someone welcoming marriage at a very early age, it feels amazing. Right? It feels absolutely brilliant when two people who born young promise each other to protect and make that relationship keep going. Some of them marry as early as fifteen and some of them marry between twenty and twenty five years of age.

It looks cool and then we think about ourselves that even after impressing so many people, we are truly dying single. No, you are not alone, there are also people around you who are trying to show off but there are no hopes left at all.

But think about the main question that why are you trying to fall in relationship so early? Are you trying to chase someone or something? I know one of the answer from the males that is to fulfil the constant urges which is triggered by their hormones.

Females on the other side want to marry early in order to feel loved or to get satisfied that they are in relationships. Most of the females don’t like to marry early but because of those triggered feelings they are forced to do it.

But these marriages don’t even last longer than a year. This is because most of the young age teens who get married become prey of their own thoughts. It is because they think that the other half will support their thoughts. Or that person will help them in fulfilling those responsibilities. But it never happens in that manner.

Some of the marriages don’t even last for months and it forms a very unhealthy divorce. Females do have that feeling of fulfilling their responsibilities at a very early stage but males don’t even try to understand what a relationship means.

Some individuals are always in that hurry because they think of creating family at a very early stage. And that is what immaturity is. Our hormones are never under control during the early age especially between sixteen and twenty- five. We are constantly pushed by our urges which happens mostly in males and that is why there are so many break-ups happening all around.

Human beings are stupid and most importantly they are stupid because of their thinking. They take steps in order to fulfil their wants and end up with nothing. When you chase something, there are chances that it will never stay and it happens even in the reality.

When you chase, you expect it to happen according to you, but no it is an illusion because you are focusing more on fulfilling your expectations, rather than struggling for it.  We see those successful people on big screens, it is not because they wanted to come on the screen, but it is because of their talents and their hard work. That kind of community never work on chasing or expecting that to happen and that is the main point where ninety percent of people fail. They do nothing and dream for big things in life.

Similar is the case with early marriages. They chase because they expect it to happen in that manner. They entitle themselves in a relationship at a very early stage. So that other people can see them as mature and successful. But do you think is this really success? To seek entitlement of a relationship is really something called as success?

That is why education becomes so important. Some people educate themselves in order to get a certificate and show off it to other people. Yes, it will help him or her to get a job, fulfil financial needs and still be uneducated.

We have a misconception with education that it is there in those long and heavy books. You might even think that reading fiction books can help you understand and make you educated. You can even see movies where some sort of reality is mixed with imagination but still you can be called as uneducated.

People form up a relationship, then gradually and slowly get into the process of breakup. During that breakup they feed each other’s mind with toxic thoughts and spoil or degrade their own thinking. So we hurt each other and still hold up those certificates in the name of education?

Actually in the present condition and situation education is more in those values because information already exists on Google and other sites. Knowledge is there everywhere. It is also there in our minds but we never know how to use it exactly.

Most of the people use it to hurt others. And very few people use it to actually grow and develop the society. You cannot just say you are educated even if you have complete knowledge. Unless you don’t use that education in some or other way, then it is actually a waste of your time. The current tragedy is such that these individuals are called as educated idiots.



People who are chasing relationships can be said to be useless because they are living without any purpose. Every individual is contributing towards some work. Like a job person helps an organization to carry out the operations. Businessmen make investment to earn profits as well as to encourage development.

And in this manner we are contributing towards the society. We create relationships in order to create the next generation. We never try to learn and educate ourselves rather we will mix up with the toxic thoughts that takes place usually after breakup.

Now think about those who are struggling day and night in order to grow and explore their talents. Those people who are thinking about themselves first. It is indeed one of the most fruitful part of working hard because you are actually saving your time.

Creating a relationship in order to marry someone is not waste of time but it is consuming your time which is actually required for learning. So you need to look over yourself and stop falling into unworthy relationship.  Instead invest that time in exploring yourself. You need to stay clear with your thought process.

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