Why You Should Avoid Online Dating

Online dating

I am pretty sure that at least once in your life you had used online dating apps. If not then you might be texting direct messages through social media platform after stalking over their profile. Stalking is one of the common ways to get that feeling of contentment. Especially men who are always in hurry to fall in relationships and their hunger just never ends up.

Online dating is no more than a tragedy because almost ninety percent of the relationship turn into failure. And this failure is absolutely because of our unworthy desires. Actually we are not falling into relationships but we are feeding our desires. Online dating apps were created in order to lure such people.

Individuals who don’t want to take relationships seriously fall over such things in life. The target market considered for dating online was for the youngsters, but now even middle-aged people are also becoming trap of this. This platform has made our life easier but our relationships are becoming more complex.

Just think about a young adult male who is in his early twenties and has a very impulsive and dominant attitude what generally most of the men have. Suppose if he starts falling over every woman he sees and dating every women who he feels beautiful, what will be your thoughts? You might feel like he is that kind of guy who doesn’t want organize routine or a formal relationship.

Since such individuals exist the online medium is finding and targeting especially them. It’s a very natural problem and companies take the overall benefit of this problem by providing this solution. In the recent years apps like Tinder, happn and many such platforms are bringing innovative ways to control that urge.

But actually this is not the solution to the problem. These solutions will only solve your temporary desire. Yes, it will only fulfil your natural issue, but it won’t, in the long run your feelings and emotional stability will absolutely go down. Humans are unlucky because their feelings are controlled by the opposite gender and it starts arising as we hit our puberty.

During the young age between eight and fifteen we never sense such intense feelings because our hormones are not developed and most importantly there is no emotional instability. But after fifteen years during our college days, the hormonal growth rises and it becomes absolutely insane.

During the age of seventeen and mid-twenties we have no control over ourselves. It is because we go through so much of pressures during our jobs and even on the workplace. We are bombarded by so much of frustrations especially from our bosses. And most importantly we are single at that time.

You know why people keep their status as single? First of all they are not single because in their past they had some kind of relationships. But they never ever work accordingly. And because of some ego and lack of emotional and mental understanding, they fail miserably through the process.



We all see that how girlfriends and boyfriends cheat in their romantic relationships, but online dating is just another level of cheating. The profile pictures are edited at such a level where even men can look like Disney princess. They are smartly produced and they just look flawless.

Apart from contrast, brightness, tone, the skin colour too can be controlled. Nowadays people are enjoying face swaps especially on social media platforms. These face swaps maps the complete facial area and successfully creates a real and original image corresponding to our vision.

Though it might not be used on social dating apps but nowadays such incidents are happening with actual footage. Such recordings are actually uploaded on social platforms and made viral throughout the internet. Some profiles are played such handsomely that they become part of random meme pages.

It’s a form of cybercrime but how much can we control ourselves? There are even some people who successfully blackmail these singles and plan out unworthy things against them. It is a form of crime but what can we do. There is no other way out than living like this. Isn’t it? Other than this the apps which are developed by the companies earn chunk of profits.

They play with the subscription method to make and sue a fixed amount of money from you. Undeniably it forms as s habit which then becomes an addiction. As we all know that how much addiction can cost you. Similar is the situation with tobacco and alcohol producing companies.

They find the natural issue and target it with some ordinarily extraordinary solutions. If we add this all of this shit then it’s better to avoid it and save extra cash in future investments and plans. It’s the most advanced way of cheating because it uses technology in a very smart way. 



After creating so much troubles just in order to fulfil your desires can really destruct your life. And that is why parents always say to not fall over unwanted relationships because afterwards people blame each other. And humans as usual in unique ways will show off their true colours. Marriage is one of the formal ways to settle with emotional and mental instability.

Though many people find it as a myth but remember it forms as a purpose of our life. See, it’s a natural process in human being because we cannot control it. Due to hormonal changes happening within our body, it’s beyond that control. Luckily very few people are able to control themselves through meditation in their long term journey.

Marriage is a very organized process and in the long term people are able to live happily. The current tradition is such that people are opposing marriages and falling more over live in relationships. Do you know why people are adapting live-in relationship method? In order to escape from marriages.

Marriage feels terrible because half of the youngsters don’t want to be hunted by an individual who is dominant or supreme. Isn’t it? And most importantly it is also the ego which is involved in this. When two people are married both need to understand each other and share their responsibilities.

A marriage is not a forceful act but it is a formal way to live life. People run from their responsibilities in order to enjoy. In most of the parts of the world it is believed that without marriage two individuals cannot live with each other. It feels like a myth. But in order to live a meaningful life there is no other way.

If you try to get involved in this online dating apps then you will slowly start getting depressed since none of them stay. They date and move away and if that was the purpose then there is no meaning of living such life anyway. Online dating apps are nothing than the greatest time pass. If you are insensitive and just want to have fun then you can move forward and proceed to this platform. But never forget about the danger. Choose wisely and that is the main point of this post.

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