Why You Should Never Get Back To Your Ex


Nowadays teenagers are so much involved in so called “Love” that they start promising each to take it forever. But this shit just splits after they deviate their path or find a better version of their partners. Isn’t it? I know after reading this you might feel the same thing. You might even think about your ex or imagine to get back to him or her in the near future.

Not every relationship is successful and it can never be but I don’t understand that why do children get involve in affairs at such a young age? How do they start catch feelings, is still the biggest question. I still remember that when I was child, I hardly used to talk with boys, and girls were far from my expectation.

Only if someone had approached or tried to ask something, I used to reply. But rest of the time I was only interested in playing with friends and partly happy with studies. But the recent year’s children are more interested in their mobile phones chatting with their girlfriends and boyfriends, sharing memes and playing violent videogames. That’s not the point but the main problem is that they are creating exes at such early age.

When I was child I thought “ex” was meant to be known as alphabet. I literally thought it was “X”, but when I Googled it on the internet I realised that I was wrong for so many years. But why do we call it as ex, have you ever realise the truth behind the two letter word? It is formed when we move on.

It is basically what we had done in our past. Just like ex-president of United States. You leave that situation and currently the scenario is different. So did you have any exes? Even if answer is no, but sometimes this question can be tough to be answered. Ex doesn’t always mean it is toxic. It is an understanding that what you are living with the situation is uncomfortable or unfavourable for your growth.

Or on the other hand it can also mean that you caught interest over something else. In toxic relationships, ex is created because of issues and lack of support. The other individual might be in constant abuse or treated badly and even after spending time, there is no change at all. Those relationships never work and everyone expects peacefulness and better treatment.

Whatever might be the reason but above all the major reason that lies is because of lack of support. Just take an example if children didn’t have any support of their parents at all. If parents start abandoning their children at a very early age. Then what will happen to their growth? It will become tough, isn’t it? Similarly, for any relationship to flourish, there is a need of support. Toxic relationships end up so miserably because there is no support at all.

Violence can completely knockdown the idea of a relationship. A relationship can be held for a long term if there is a constant support throughout the journey. That is what we have seen in many successful relationships. But now let’s get back to the main point. So let me ask you a question that have you felt of getting back to your ex again? Okay, if you haven’t gone through that situation then observe people around yourself.
You might catch your two or three friends who felt the real struggle of leaving their ex.

And they even had thought of getting back in order to talk to them. Even if you haven’t gone through this situation but it can happen in the future. People then start blaming their feelings or that person who trapped them in the bond. But they never try to understand that everything had happened because of those expectations and desire. So before you entwine yourself in that so called “Love” you need to also think about your future.

You Can Never Change A Stubborn Minded Person


I think so most of the people give a break on their relationships because they feel that the other half will change someday. They literally stay away in order to see changes in their partner. But there is this bitter truth and a true saying that no one can change a human than himself.

Just imagine you are trying to move away from a person so that he or she can change in that time period. But what is worse than those expectations. Values cannot be changed if that individual doesn’t wants to do so. You cannot force or try to apply external pressure. For changes to happen there is only possibility and that is internally.

Most of the couples hold up with those expectations but they never think that they are actually holding toxic expectations on their mind. There is no such great news ever happened or seen that two divorced people trying to marry again. Once a relationship fails or doesn’t feel comfortable then there is no way to get it back again. The only way is to change, which is pretty impossible in this current century. Following are some reasons that why you shouldn’t get back to your ex.


What we want from our partner is to take care of ourselves just like the way we take care of them. We want that love to be reciprocated. Isn’t it? This is the problem of every relationship out there. It can be because they hold their ego or try to have some self-respect. It happens that some people keep their desires ahead than love.

Their mindset might be shaped in that manner. They only think of having relationship only in terms of materialistic living. So if a person doesn’t even try to create feelings for you then you shouldn’t even expect him to create in the near future.


This is the way most of the people deal with their past relationships. In order to continue with the entitlement of relationship they try to replace it with other people. They just look over of fulfilling their relationship status. They never see the flaws or any values in a person. If the external beauty matches their vision, then there is no way to stop them.

So in this situation you might feel like how a human can act in such cruel manner. But according to them this is not called as cruelty. It is satisfaction of their status and nothing else. So this last reason might feel like an embarrassment or disrespect for a person but as said these are the actual facts applicable in these recent years.

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