Why You Should Not Mix Business With Pleasure

Business And Pleasure

This might be one of the toughest question to even digest by the employees working in an organization. And if the business organization has very strict policies then it is like extra butter on the bread. It is not for the employees but for the organization. The worst nightmare of a frustrated employee is call from their seniors who are always waiting to spit down their anger on their juniors.

Basically this is the case of almost every organization or a company in any field. That can be a fashion designing industry, entertainment or service. The same tragedy happens everywhere. Employees are harassed like anything even though having laws laid out there by the Government. The frustration of every employee comes out from the way they are treated.

How much can you compare of a prisoner in a central jail. He or she has to follow the same routine, no freedom and hardly any time to spend with the family or with the friends. There is hardly any comparison at all with the exception of money. Though prisoners get lump sum amount, but the work life is totally same. Just ask this to yourself that where the freedom is?

When it comes to business, your personal life should be apart from the organization. Don’t even think about freedom and before you enter any job then it will happen according to the management. You are not entertained or even your relatives. It doesn’t matter how many connections or even personal relations you have within the organization’s environment, you need to adhere to the rules and regulations.

But if you think according to a businessman’s perspective, then it is so much important because it will be creating your future. Not your future but your business’s future. The problem is that if the rule is not applied to the employees, then they might start taking things casually.

Let’s understand this with following example. Suppose you have created a new real estate agency business near to your home. You have a spacious and luxury office for your employees, a healthy working environment, necessary equipment, catering service for staff and every particular detail for the betterment of employees.

Yes, you think about them and even care about their work-life balance. You give them freedom and don’t try to hinder their thoughts and creativity. You always work closely with them in order to get some ideas for the future of your business. So for you those employees matter a lot and you find this connection a better way to deal with problems.

You don’t have any strict rules and regulation and overall flexibility with the employees. If you compare your organization with some other real estate businesses, then the overall freedom you give to your employees is close to hundred percent. In this way you are on your business journey. It’s working fine but after few months, you find that the employees are taking the business for granted.

They are just promoting their ideas without even thinking about the customer relations. Complaints start pouring in and the business turns into a loss. Expenses take over earnings and within a year your agency becomes a complete flop. And that is why almost every business out there has this kind of fear in mind.

Once a person takes something for granted, then it’s a complete loss for the business itself. Just think if every individual who is working for your business starts thinking about himself or herself, takes holidays whenever it comes on the mind, then will your business thrive?

Of course not and if the strict policies are not made then no matter how kind and passionate the employees be, but they won’t be able to sustain their interest. It’s a human psychology because once they get to know the nature of someone, they act accordingly.



Sometimes if you have some kind of flexibility in the organization then you might get chance to show off your talents and skills. If your hobbies or passion matches the business interest then you might be seem to be an excellent opportunity for the organization. And yes it happens very rarely only when some sort of freedom is provided.

That employee can provide a huge amount of sales at the same time. And smart entrepreneurs are always looking for such employees who will be boon for the business. Your pleasure is not always acceptable and it totally depends upon the sale you will provide.

Just like a sales representative will get a chance to sale those products or to attract the customer’s attention. If he or she becomes successful in providing a sale then they are promoted to higher level or a higher position in the organization’s hierarchy. And that too totally depends upon the organization.

Work-Life Balance


This is very crucial as per the employee point of view since it can become uneasy for them to survive in pack schedules. When there are meetings, handling of worthy projects, it becomes so important for them to have stress-free personal time. Job hours should be fixed so that they can have enjoyment with their family.

Sometimes what they do is that they carry out those tasks in their personal time. And afterwards their family complain of not spending that personal time with them. So the amount of weightage increases in work and then these employees suffer through stress, lack of motivation, and indiscipline in the routine.

And this is the biggest problem of today’s corporate world. They come home tired because there is no balance between personal time and the work. The inverse is also true because if you try to insert unworthy entertainment and drama in a business, then it will always become a reason for failure.

This differentiation is the most valuable element for a person who is working in the corporate world. It is best to keep them apart as much as possible in order to secure your mental health, emotional health and at last the financial status.

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