Why We Must Manage Knowledge Systematically And Innovatively


When it comes to by hearting and memorising knowledge, people are incredible and unbelievable. They can memorise anything and at any time. There is no limit to their capability. There is no limit over their abilities. They are succulent and smooth. They feel like it’s a piece of chocolate. Though their memory might be strong but they are never clear about the idea.

That excellent memory is burnt out in using it to memorise names of models and name of websites. It’s absolutely on their tip of their tongue. These kind of people can remember exes of their friends and colleagues, sometimes even of their grandparents. Jokes apart but this is something a very important topic to know because it is applicable for every living human on this planet.

People by hard knowledge so easily that they feel like they are one of the geniuses like Einstein. Actually Einstein too had a weak memory. It’s easy to store enormous amount of knowledge in our brains but very difficult to make use of it. Yes he used his brains and not just memory. We have a bad myth spreading across the world that geniuses are created through immense amount of knowledge.

And that is why a lot of people are still thinking that knowledge is power. The truth is no matter how much amount of knowledge you might have, you will still can never be called as intelligent or even smart. The boost which is given by the modern technology is unmeasurable and that is why more amount of people are getting involved in building it.

Since the amount of knowledge is getting upgraded day by day, there are improvements happening everywhere. If you take example of Google, the largest search Engine on the planet, the amount of data stored is actually infinite. There is no measurement at all. And people are treating such search engines as the source of trusted knowledge.

If you compare Google with a human, whom will you trust more? Absolutely and when we get that answer, there is nothing to worry. The main problem to worry is there is no limit to knowledge and since its available on the internet, people are using it more than a human memory. You can’t even trust humans because sometimes they will go wrong.

There are billions of visit on Google itself because it is trustworthy. And in these recent years it has improved its data in more efficient way. The problem is we are following this knowledge in the old traditional way. Even if we might be matured but not enough to hold on the raw amount of data we are learning daily.

This raw data is stored as it is in our brain and when it is time to recollect, we struggle. Though there might be some people who could by heart even the entire philosophy but they will be lacking to manage it.



Now, in this world of search engines and machine learning, the only solution is to manage the least amount of knowledge in the best way. Yes, you have heard it right. The world is demanding this. We need to manage a certain knowledge in our interest in the best possible manner. What happens is that when we collect too much of raw knowledge at random without understanding, our thinking power decreases.

There is no new kind of innovation and we follow the same traditional route again and again. Then it frustrates our mood when no appreciates it. If you take example of artists, then you will observe that their growth is enormous. Even after having less amount of knowledge, they are able to manage great artwork. They never by heart those techniques instead they experiment with them.

Just like when we experiment with colours, we are able to find out what is best and what is worst. This main part is missing with a lot of people. If you see jobs in the Science and Technology world, then they are very less because vast amount of competition is happening out there. People are just modifying out things and selling it as a product.

There is innovation but very few are able to achieve it. The amount of knowledge we are preserving is less and it will further go on decreasing which will eventually become tough to even survive in this world. It’s not enough and that is why a lot of people of working over their niche. A niche is the subcategory of a particular field.

A niche is the lowest subcategory or you can say a particular segment for a group of people who are targeted. Knowledge is essential but just acquiring knowledge won’t be helpful. If you are trying to complete someone’s work then you can study and make their business possible. You will earn some money through it.

But now even small companies need innovative and great thinkers who will possibly be able to compete with the biggest market competitors. Innovation is a surviving strategy for management. Managing a business is never easy and without innovation every business or a company will go fail.

Similarly when it comes to knowledge the only driving mean is understanding. Understanding will shed light on future questions which will start involving as the knowledge grows. Modification is an old trend and nowadays people are not able to maintain pace with the competition just by modifying the product. Instead it is now requiring a total change.



Speed, smoothness, accuracy and organize matter can give a boost to your overall strategy. The current trend says that if you have these following values then anything is possible to achieve. Especially when we need to preserve a huge amount of knowledge. Due to its size it can become difficult to recollect out what you had learned.

And that is why most of the people fail to achieve their tasks or goals during their jobs. People want organize content and there is nothing more comfortable than that. No one wants to see mess. Whenever we acquire knowledge, we tend to forget easily because there is no proper organization. Just take an example. Suppose there are hundred random names to remember in chronological order and all of those names must be by heart.

The interviewer is going to take a test of your memory. So will you be able to remember in a chronological order or by picking up randomly? We tend to be more comfortable when things are properly organized. This is the most important part while managing complex knowledge.

When complex matter is broken down into categories, it becomes easy to understand and nowadays people want to learn in a simple way as possible. When knowledge is stored systematically and innovatively, then there is nothing that can stop you to be successful in the reality. Managing it will become very easy.

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