Why We Should Stop Complaining


When parents don’t give us food, we complain. When we don’t get our pocket money, we complain. While everyone goes out or have plans for holidays and trips, we are busy doing or completing our work. And then what happens is all we know. We never leave a single day of the month without complaining. All 365 days are filled with complaints. When we don’t feel good or comfortable, we complain.

We are more like a complain box rather than being a normal human. We always raise a ticket for whatever happens in our day to day lives. And that is not only with specific people but each one of us complain just because things never take place as per those expectations. It can make us feel low and that is why we push our burdens over someone who we think is responsible for.

It’s easy to complain than handling a hell lot of complaints in a right manner. And there are millions of people who are handling complaints in the best manner as possible. Though they might not be complete experts, but remember they are people who have lots of problems in their personal time, but still manage other’s problems and faults. It’s hardly possible for a complain box to be peaceful or to get a job which requires skills to build a good relationship.

Take example of the hospitality industry. Suppose you have booked a first class tickets of a very expensive flight for your summer vacation destination. So how will be the atmosphere in the flight? Apart from the luxury, the treatment given by the service staff is also of the highest level. People who have degree certificates and years of experience are only allowed to work in those type of flights.

Now let’s take a standard flight and the economy class in which the staffs are inexperienced and they are new. Now compare between both of them. What will happen if a complain box arrives in the economy class. A person who always throws his tantrums, who will be able to tackle him in the best way?

Of course, those people who are able to handle problems in the best possible manner. The hospitality industry and every other industry out there is surviving on happy customers. A person who is able to solve others problem in the best possible manner will get promoted and earn higher incentives than the one who is shy, timid and afraid.

Actually solving complaints is a major revenue for every industry out there. It’s advantageous for the people who want profit and not for you. They modify their products depending upon what complaints they are getting the most. For example a product has several issues and if it doesn’t fit for that particular segment, then it might be a complete failure. So what big organizations do in such a case?

Take the necessary feedback from its customers. People who have experienced those products for years might tell a better comparison and that is why if you see, feedback forms are provided when the customer is not satisfied. You might now see this as a benefit for both customers as well as for the companies. Isn’t it? But you have seen only the present condition.

What happens after that is pretty unimaginable especially for new companies who wish to thrive better in the market. A single problem or the issue can be solved if it is pointing out in large numbers, but what will happen to multiple issues? What will happen if customers have different opinions and suggestions about the product?

Will the company change the product every time? Brands which have dominated the market previously and big market shares ignore suggestions at all. Because they already have made that brand name.



Complaints are basically like unworthy suggestions which are not going to be solved at all, except if it is valuable. If it is really giving or providing some value then somebody might look at it. But now due to increasing competition complaints are ignored just like people ignore their ex. No one gives damn about your complaint and further it will be precisely hard to understand your complaint if it’s through your perspective.

The problem in today’s competitive world is we think that our complaints will provide some feedback, but it never happens because, no one has time to answer so many question or issues. But it doesn’t mean that you are mistreated. There are others too involve like you who wait for their answers but never hear. The main problem is with us. Since we have got a lot of freedom to complaint and to suggest, we feel that our voice needs to be heard.

We think that because of our complaints, they will change. And that mentality is what kills us more. Since there are various options and a huge amount of freedom, we feel like the other individual should respect us. If you go back during the world war era, then you won’t even be able to speak about the problems which people during that time were suffering through.

The real problem is with us. This is because when we get more number of option we feel greedy. We want more and more and it just never ends or satisfies our feeling. And that is why we need to have control over such feelings.

Cheat Game


One of the most common game which happens in day to day life. Some people complain just to make a benefit from it. There is nothing wrong but they feel like of fooling the person. These are not complaints but plans in order to threaten the entity or the organization. People can pass their limits and when they do, they don’t worry about the end results.

The similar situation was happened with the sellers on Amazon when they introduced the Return policy on damaged products. There were many complaints and some customers tried to use their smartness by returning fake products.

When we try to get flexible, people try to steal benefits or you can even say they cheat. The problem is not with the product but it’s with the mentality of people. When we try to think small, we forget of achieving big. The mind always dwell between achieving these small things and that is why such kind of people never achieve anything in life.

It is on our mind and our thoughts. If we try to find happiness in these small things, then it might become a great tragedy for the entire lifetime. Never complain about small things all the time. Instead try to solve it peacefully. Think about solving problems without violence. Always remember.

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