Why We Are Never Truly Satisfied


Have you ever tried to eat your favourite snack even after your stomach is satisfied? It happens especially when we have our meal and then just after sometime our favourite snack starts passing around. It is undeniable and when we start experiencing some kind of cholesterol and digestion problems, we start regretting of not having proper control over such small habits.

And these small habits turn to a major mistake. But have you ever thought that why we don’t stop what we love to do? It can be from the point of our passion and work towards our relationships with several desires. There are lot of hidden secrets about human and its unlimited level of desires. But they can never be studied nor do they resemble a certain pattern.

This is because we discover something new at every phase of our journey. Just like an individual forming a habit of smoking. Do you think that the person gets an instant addiction of smoking? Of course not because this habits are slow and once it starts triggering our senses, we can never ever stop ourselves from thinking it to have one more time.

And then it multiplies every single day. Beware that when it is about materialistic addictions, there is a certain kind of danger for health. That can be emotional, mental or physical but that only gives a temporary relief. Whereas when it comes to passion, the loss is minimal since it involves physical or mental workout.

The bond grows stronger with that work because our emotions are involved. While in case of addictions, it’s not our emotions. It’s our mind which is controlled by our negative emotions. Since it gives some temporary relief to our emotions, we feel of having it one more time. But the same is not about passion because it involves constructive mechanism.

It has a lot of potential to grow. While in addictions there is no improvement in our abilities or even in our overall development. Rather we can say that we only increase our capacity to multiply its consumption. Passion though might be exciting but at a certain point we can get tired and think of doing something else. It has its own limitations and depends on the capacity of that individual.

Now we have got to know about the advantage and disadvantage of both. But at last what we have found is that both addiction and passion can never be satisfied. This is because in both of the situations we want more and try to acquire as much as possible. Passion though might have some limitations but it doesn’t stop. We can get tired but afterwards everything just settles down and the next day we are back on the same track.

We can never think of settling at one place because we see others moving forward. It can be as simple as smoking or drinking alcohol. For example, we wouldn’t have discovered weed, alcohol or cigarettes unless it was shown to us through by a source. Just like there might be some friends or colleagues doing the same.

But that doesn’t mean, we too will adapt it unless we really want it. Passion is a path of self-discovery which can take place through a number of experiments. We can never know our passion and that’s why there is requirement of time in order to identify it. When our first objective is completed we look over the second one. When the second objective is completed we look over the third and this goes on. And at last we come to a point where we still think what the main goal was.



Think about this. You are on a well-paid job in a company. It has plenty of opportunities for promotion in any department within its organization. Suppose from tomorrow onwards you are starting your work. On the first day itself you are bombarded with a heck of lot of responsibilities. Your seniors bully you all the time since you are new. But you don’t give up and work overtime in order to get promotion.

You think of grabbing the next level position. And yes the time arrives and you get promoted. But then you identify there are some other senior level managers who are corrupt minded, torturing the same. So in order to grab their position, you work again over it. And as said this motivation just never ends. Do you think this can be called as long-term goal? Of course not because this will only be giving a temporary relief from the pain.

Satisfaction is for long-term investments but it has to be done once. It should never be a materialistic happiness, like buying a private jet from your money. Though buying a jet requires a long term of patience but that only remains for a particular period of time. Afterwards you might start demanding for a private jumbo jet. It’s definitely true! And this will be affecting our mentality.

So you might be thinking that what are these long-term goals? Do they mean permanent settlement? Yes and these goals can neither be seen nor imagined. They are metaphysical aspects. Such as our values. The only satisfaction you can obtain is when you are internally satisfied. Happiness is the only value which we all are working for. If you focus your happiness in materialistic or any idea then you will never ever be satisfied. So the only goal that remains at last is being happy. Being happy having family.

Whatever might be, it can be relationships, passion or your desires being happy with whatever you have currently should be the only goal of your life. But it doesn’t mean you should stop working. You have to work hard but enjoying every situation that steps in your life.

And when you build that kind of mindset you will feel of being truly satisfied! Remember that some people embark on their journeys from the time they are born. For example think of a child who is born in the middle of a war, where there is no shelter to hide. When we observe such situations, then we need to be satisfied with whatever we have. That’s the only long term goal of life.

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