Why Do We Ignore The Truth


How does it feel when you are promised by someone that he or she will give you the particular thing but it never even happens? All that excitement is lost in a matter of seconds. And then you start thinking what you will give the common reason in order to convince others because you have already spilled those beans. I know most of you might have gone through this situation and then suddenly there comes a moment of awkward silence of truth.

It sounds similar to like when a person becomes over-confident. For example, students who are serious in studies, are always motivated to top the exams. When they exit their exam halls, they are so much confident about their marks, that they create a feeling of positivity by telling something which hasn’t yet revealed.  

Yes! They create such kind of impression which hides the reality. They mask themselves as the best of all. Sometimes in order to make parents happy they apply such methods. Before the results they butter their parents so much that without thinking of the future, parents give them their treat. And at last when the final result arises, their report cards show digits below their actual expectations.

Somewhat parents might get convinced by their emotional speech, but what about others who have created that positive remark beforehand. We keep hiding truth in this manner just because we know it cannot speak. What if the truth had mouth to tell everyone that whatever you said is completely false? That would be absolutely amazing! And of course the amount of cheat games will get reduce.

Though it cannot happen in the real world but it can unmask during the time of serious circumstances. Especially when we are caught while lying. The other person might connect with some past situations and then reveal those secrets to other people. No matter how much we try to hide the truth but it can never remain hidden because a lot of them are secretly stalking us in some or other manner.

Just like when the mystery of an innocent person is revealed through a footage. People exceed limits to record the truth because they want evidence to show it to the world. They act like the mass media in which reports are considered most important when there is an actual footage of a person doing it.

And then what, everything is seen by the world. That is the time where they feel terrible of their committed mistake. When the truth is revealed, the person is caught. Ultimately the respect about the individual in the minds of people around decreases. They start ignoring the great voices and deviate over a new one. As it is said that when character is lost everything is lost. This is true with situations where you have promised those people without even thinking about the future consequences.

Minds of people dwell so much because there is lack of genuine information of an incident or a situation. It is similar to assuming out things to work in that manner and when they find the reality is something else, there is no option other than hiding it.



This is one of the most important reason behind hiding the truth. No one wants to be in a situation where everyone is laughing and making fun of that person. It’s a common human tendency that when you have told someone of achieving a high standard or level, then they expect from you to get fulfilled.

When it doesn’t get fulfilled the only way that remains is to either make up some random stories or to tell the actual truth. So what will you choose when you have made such promises to someone but deep down you are playing game? Even if you wish to hide it but how many days you will run over different places? That’s why the only option left is to tell the truth and close the case there itself.

Actually doing this will never affect your self-respect. They might not feel good about you for a temporary period of time but it doesn’t matter because you haven’t fooled them. Remember that it’s very tough to become a straight forward person.

It’s rare because more than ninety percent of people are always fooling each other. The truth will hurt for a temporary period but it is better than making up false stories and creating negative remark.



At least now you might have understood the consequences of lying and hiding. Sometimes we ignore the truth just because we don’t feel it is right. We feel that it should have happened according to the expectations. And then the mind starts regretting of that situation taking place.

We start convincing ourselves that this won’t happen the next time. But the same thing takes place again and again because the real fault lies within us. In the first example, where we tried to understand the mentality of students who had the only desire of free gifts. In the actual life they had earned nothing.

This kind of attitude is called as denial where a person doesn’t accept the reality. He or she starts with the same kind of attitude and then fail again. A person can only change if he or she has that ability to accept the reality. This is one of the reason why most of the people never grow up in their life.

They don’t try to question themselves that are they really creating some kind of growth. They only listen to their desires and live in the world of illusion. You might have seen so many books in the market on personality development and how to change it.

But what if the person himself is trying to act rigid. It can give a real pain in the butt but the time we realise the pain then only we can change. Self-realization is of utmost importance to accept what is happening in the actual life. Instead of ignoring and hiding we must think about it first. As it is said that hiding won’t help at all.

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