Why You Must Fail To Succeed


We all know the pain when we fail at something. It can be approaching for a job interview, written exams, physical test or any exam in which we have involved a lot of hardwork, pain and tremendous amount of sufferings. It is very true indeed that none of these tests are simple because we make our feelings complex since we want them to excel. Everything relies on success, pass and accomplishment.

If we don’t see these terms while we are doing something then it can create miserable feeling. And that’s the absolute truth because no one wants failure or else you can even say that we hate failures. Failing can be fatal for the most of the people who live especially for success. They remain so much confident of their work every time that there is no space to failure. But as said by reality that time is never permanent.

You never know what will happen tomorrow. This is because we cannot predict the future. Life is not like a business where happiness will only come through profits. Because if a person creates that kind of mindset, then it’s going to be very tough to survive in this competitive world. Everyone likes to acquire profits and people are able to predict their business competition through their historical data.

The historical data means the way your business has performed in the recent years. So businesses will always keep an expectation that it will perform very well during that particular time of year. Let’s take example of Christmas. As we all know that festivals which are religiously celebrated has a special importance in our life. Since a company knows that a particular season gives large volume of business that’s why by understanding and analysing the historical data, they produce products which people buy in that time period.

As said they get business which is equal to success. But life can never be predicted in this manner. It doesn’t have proper season or climate to create success. Remember that success is not always about money because there are other desires too which are required to be fulfilled. It can be from our passion to promotion, relationships and even some amount of fame.

But success doesn’t repeat what it happened last year or what will happen in the future. There is no particular understanding and we can never analyse through the past data. And that is why you cannot expect a situation will turn in your favour. Success has a lot of weightage and because of its demand, more number of people are occupying its space.

Believe me whatever we are taught about being successful or achieving the highest growth has some dark side. Because of the amount of competition it’s never constant. People are always in the misbelief that once they achieve success it lives forever. As explained before the amount of space for success is very limited. If you don’t perform well, someone else will replace you.

This is not a conclusion but an absolute truth that you cannot hold success. Instead you are occupying its space. Let me explain you with a simple example. Suppose you are launching a new product for which you are damn sure that people will be crazy to buy it. Your product promotions are completed and you are busy looking at your sales.

Suppose the sales take off just after the launch and people are really driving crazy in the initial phase. You see this as success. But within few months the sales number starts decreasing and it is beyond your control. People have found out that the product is ineffective and on top of that it is creating havoc. After that you find yourself in a big loss. So is that time called as success?

Of course not though the first phase was outstanding. But it never maintained that amount of consistency which is the main reason for failure. Now say someone has launched a similar product and in the competition it has left you nowhere. It has even maintain its consistency after going viral. So that space of success might get occupied by them though both of you were putting similar efforts. The only way to hold success is to maintain the same amount of consistency no matter how much ahead you are.



The way you have acted will determine your result, isn’t it? For example, if it’s an interview where you have to convince the interviewer in the best possible way so that he/she can hire you in the company. So that situation where you have to discuss with each other will become the main course of action.

In that time period you have to convince the interviewer so that he/she will select you over other candidates. It’s never simple and if you make a single mistake you might get rejected. So suppose if you are giving an interview for the first time then will it be successful if you start showing some attitude in the first impression? What will happen if you neglect the interviewer for personal reason?

It won’t be successful and even in such cases first time candidates might not be able to communicate better than the experienced one’s. Rejection is must and it can be very important if you understand the method you used in that particular situation was not as per the human behaviour. It is not only about an interview but even when we are dealing with relationships.

Some relationships move slowly and there are constant up’s and down’s in that period. Especially when we are going through initial phases with our partner. Sometimes such relationship seems to be failure because there are always some kind of problems happening throughout the phase. But when we get some particular amount of experience we get to know about such problems and issues before hand.

We might not act as per our expectations but we can be better than what we were previously. Such relationships don’t fail instead they learn from those small hindrances which create problems. Some people see failure as a problem for the future. This is because they are always under a common misconception that failing creates loss.

Actually every kind of loss is a profit which will be helpful in the future. One mustn’t see failure as a loss because deep down we are also getting some kind of experience to learn and to develop. It’s our misunderstanding because we always see success as the only path for our journey. Don’t neglect such important lessons.

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