Why You Should Love Your Enemies

We at every moment make friends but at the same time we also create enemies. This can be with reason or without reason but we create enemies. This is because we are evolved in the sphere of hate, love, positive, negative and both the sides of the coin. We can see best and after sometime we can also see the worst side.

Since we are not stable at a point. When an individual is hungry for money, he/she will do anything for it. He/she can also commit crimes and create enemies. But have you ever tried to ask that why do we create enemies in life. This world could have been the best to live if there were no enemies.

And it could have been entitled as the most peaceful planet in the solar system. Just joking but yes a lot of problem can be solved by making friends. This can never happen since our emotions are working as per the environmental conditions. If someone is nice to us, we will definitely appreciate it. And when someone tries to show their true colours, we will definitely avoid them.

A person can be a friend today but not forever because when negative emotions come to play, he/she can turn into a deadly enemy. And because of these emotions enemies are formed. We live in that kind of environment where we are not able to survive without a friend. Since they are the most important part for socialising events.

Whenever an event takes places anywhere, we first call up our friends to spend that quality time together with fun. It also helps to relieve our day to day stress which we get from our jobs, businesses, studies, work etc. But what we do is that we start catching feelings for them. And this matter starts getting complicated. The friendship starts turning into a complicated relationship.

And then both of them part their ways seeing each other for the last time. In this way we lose so many friends, either they never meet or there is some reason behind it. As for me the truest kind of friendship we form is with our enemies. It might sound weird but yes it is very true when we take them in a positive way. Most of the good enemies also create a will power to fight against problems.

They actually think of demotivating us but if we treat them like our friends then it can encourage us to become even better. Like take example of a competition. A marathon which we are running against our competitors. Actually these competitors who we feel as enemies can act as the greatest kind of motivation during the competition.

Everyone wants to run ahead and what we actually aim is winning the topmost position. A lot of people have this habit of getting purposely tortured by their competitors and putting the entire energy in their work. They work hard enough to make others feel regretted of whatever they have said.

But basically this matter of motivation depends on our values and the way we find right benefits. This can be a mental torture for the people who are sensitive and instead they might fall into depression. This is because majority of us will take this in a toxic way.



One of the biggest advantage of being part of a competition is that the audience, competitors act as a source of motivation. It cannot die because it is present everywhere. The audience, competitors are present everywhere though they might be different. But it is not same in the case of our coach, teachers.

Nowadays, there are hardly such teachers left who will motivate and train a student alone. Even while teaching in schools and college, they always count strength of the class or else they won’t teach. And yes this is because they don’t want to fall into attachments over students no matter how intelligent he/she might be.

Even if the teacher maintains some closeness but that doesn’t mean he/she is personally motivating them. In this current time, there is hardly anyone left who will treat or give their personal time since everyone is looking for money. And still the question arises that who will encourage me further? Who will let me know my path?

Unfortunately there is no one other than your enemies. Even if they are your enemies but they will always try to pull you down and move forward. This can encourage you to fight back and more than that they are still there present in that fierce environment. Nowadays people try to fight alone, they look to train themselves rather than looking for a coach.

And this process makes a person independent. Look for your answers by your own because even the greatest professors and teachers only know how to teach. He/she is not a source for motivation if the teacher himself/herself is not interested and does not take passion seriously.



One of the best example are our soldiers fighting on the borders. It seems to be pretty impossible living the life of a soldier who has to always remain active twenty hours into three sixty five days. We know the struggle is real behind those scenes. They get dignity and respect because they fulfil their priorities and don’t look for money and profits.

During their regular duties, they always remain alarmed not only through commands and orders but also when enemies try to breach the border and security. So the enemy always remain a kind of fear in the minds of these soldiers. And this similarly applies to our success.

Suppose you are alone in the dark trying to finish a very long marathon. You don’t know the way and also no one has taken part in it. So will you take an active part in the marathon? Of course not because there is no one in your journey. Similar is the case with our life, we need enemies and because of them we are continuously thriving.

We are winning but at the same time we should also respect our enemies. And at last you have to love them without any kind of attachments. Because of them there are fights taking place. So think about a world where there are no fights and only peace? Is it still possible to create such kind of environment? Because of the gap between a friend and an enemy people are able to maintain their priorities. And at the same time they too deserve an equal amount of respect.

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