Why Should We Not Try To Imitate Others


“Hey see that copycat trying to win the game.” Have you heard this word while being out with anyone or while trying to imitate others? It is common and most importantly we all humans are learners trying to understand the style of the experts and professionals who have been doing the particular work for a long time.

That’s what imitating means and it is widely concluded as a form of inspiration for the performers. Actually these both are totally different terms and have separate meanings. Inspiration doesn’t mean copying someone’s style rather it can be said to be a source of motivation for the person. Imitation is an unfaithful act that a competitor can use it to gain attraction and in order to win the game or competition.

Inspiration on the other hand is not solely use for competition rather it helps to believe in our work. It helps us to perform better and most importantly we don’t see that person as a competitor. People imitate when they are not able to perform well and remain confused of choosing the best way to win.

The most significant difference between these kind of people is they have variable mindset and purpose of life. An inspired person will focus more on learning rather than wining while an imitator will only have purpose of wining and that’s why they think of copying. So whom do you think will fight for longer period of time?

And yes it is the person who seeks inspiration though it might depend on several factors but and imitator will never grow because the method will not always work according to him or her. People who copy the entire style and technique of the professional lose hope when they are not able to compete when the time arrives.



We can say that people are creative based on what is there on their mind. If they think about shit they will do shit. Once a person tries to become a copycat, then he/she will never be able to understand the way to live in the changing environment. The main reason behind this is they are not able to find the need behind it.

Once they find out people talking about a treasure, they too will follow them from behind. One of the finest quality about these imitators are they are brilliant backstabbers. They don’t need anyone to tell them how to plan out things in order to play cheat games. They are able to create plans because of their past experiences in that field.

Usually they are silent but deep down they involve a lot of drama in order to attract and reveal their information about the technique and their style. And this actually hinders their growth as they rely on other people for the information. They are never able to learn and experiment according to their needs.

Every person has different values and that’s why we are unique. So when these copycats try to find out the shortcuts for gaining instant results, they are not able to perform just like way the individual is performing. And this difference can create variable outputs. So they can’t be creative of their kind neither they will be able to win accordingly.

So when you try to copy someone, then his/her needs will be totally different from yours and in the longer run you will have to lose. The level of creation and innovation will drastically come down to nil.



Special talents hold a very important place in the markets and people want to always see something different coming out. A person who tries to copy someone will be easily caught by the audience but in a different way. He/she might not get the same kind of attention as the work or performance doesn’t really suit the audience expectation.

Talents are unique and it can never be copied as it involves emotions, skills, capacity and very special abilities. There is always something different which the audience sees and can get attracted. This skill might not be present in the individual who is copying the act. And that is why every person who is famous celebrity is known by that special skill which cannot be done by everyone.

The value of a person is determined by the attention from customers. It can sound bitter but it’s true. So the imitator will always be seen having less value and instead the celebrity will get more amount of fame. Sometimes when people try to imitate, it is seen as an unauthentic act and even after doing everything possible the person is not able to maintain that consistency.

Whatever might be the saying but one should think of understanding their own values rather than trying copy it. Instead we should focus on innovation and creating our unique blend in that selected field. We need to keep in mind that even if we try to cheat but it cannot happen with the customers and the audience. They will get to know it very soon and after that they will deviate their attention towards others.

Just like first impression is the last impression, we too have that one chance to let the audience identify our special talents. Your uniqueness will last longer as it makes you different. Remember that once you try to do something wrong, your value will ultimately decrease in vision of everyone even the greatest saviour.

You might not realise it while trying to chase success. And if that realisation happens then it will be too late for you. Whatever you do, do it with patience and involve your innovation in it.  The right people will get attracted to your work. Gaining attention is not easy but if you are doing wrong to find quick followers then remember that you are putting yourself into a big trouble. Walk on the right path in order to earn respect. At last it totally depends on you.

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