How To Deal With Unrequited Love


One of the most common questions asked by people because they feel that the other person is not feeling same for them. Truly confusing because this unrequited love can never be defined. And that’s why humans have been caught up in this mess of love and relationship. They measure according to quantity. And nowadays love can be measured through how much time you spend with that person. How much time you spend chatting with that person or how many times you both have touch each other.

And their exes find themselves hurt very deeply, isn’t it? Because they feel that the person has disrespected them by touching an unknown. That’s how we humans are evolving our feelings, emotions and relationships. It looks terrible but in the future the situation will worsen. So you can say that you are far luckier than those who are going to romanticize their relationships in future.

You will be alive or not but currently you should feel yourself as lucky. Still that’s not going to affect you much or it will make you happy. Because the feeling of being unlovable can be seen if you are reading this blog post. Most of the people feel that unrequited love is a problem of every relationship. But actually this is not a problem. These are our own thoughts which are troubling us all the time.

Yes there is nothing called as unrequited love but way far it’s our own illusion which we have trapped ourselves. So how is that feeling created? First of all this happens when we are living in an environment where relationships are created on the basis of entitlement. You don’t create feelings. It’s the society which tells us that a relationship is must. And the same thoughts are passed down to generations, thinking that being in a relationship is called love.

So if you break up or remain single, then others won’t respect you which has been created as our common mentality. And that’s why we humans try to make such relationship as complex as possible. So it’s our environment that’s also contributing towards these thoughts. Sometimes you might have even heard such things.

For example, when two brothers are loved unequally by their mother. One of them feels like his brother is being loved more in the family and that’s why the person can hold a grudge. It can be a similar feeling of unrequited love. The problem here is the competition we create in terms of emotions and feelings.

If you wouldn’t have compared more or less amount of love then this problem wouldn’t have arisen at first place. It’s the comparison, competition which creates such feelings and nothing else. So can you call this as true love? See these feelings are natural evolved and it’s arising because of the environment you are living in.

If you put yourself in this mentality then ultimately you will have to suffer through these thoughts. Remember that love has no boundaries and it can never be measured according to the quantity.



If you still feel that your love was not requited by the person then you need to think again because in very rare circumstances people love truly with their hearts. If you ask an average person about his or her love experience then you will get an answer that it was pathetic. Actually what we call as love is actually an illusion which society has created.

Tinder, online dating apps, chatting, fulfilling someone’s wishes through money with expectations in return is what we call as love. You might be thinking that’s what love is. And yes it’s addicting because one tries to constantly find happiness in these things. That’s what we are calling as materialistic form of happiness which we are seeing in this culture.

Love in its real meaning has been fading away and that absolutely okay. This is because one person cannot change the entire society. It’s the people who need to change their mindset. Though it is not possible but there is no point on crying over unrequited love as it will irritate you more. Actually you should feel lucky that you are not part of such materialistic love.

You might have loved someone so much and yet that person never loved you back. Instead of being anguished you must respect yourself that even after so many struggles you have stayed true with yourself and your responsibilities. There are so many people like you who are currently going through similar struggles in their life.

Worrying about it will make you even more tensed. People who truly enjoy freedom never hold on grudge, ego, love, personal boundaries and not on even emotions. But they are very rare since they don’t worry about their hard work and they keep themselves low as much as possible. Always stay humble.

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