Why Do We Need To Accept The Truth

You never celebrate when you have already lost. You cannot hope to win that game because everyone knows that you have lost. The darkest part of such situation is that we hold on our feelings to happen as per our imagination. And that can convert more amount of pain into you since you cannot change what has already happened in the past. That’s the truth

We humans instead of changing future overthink about past all the time. And that can be the mistake you might be doing while working with the wrong hopes. Hopes should be straightforward and they need to align with the reality. Actually hopes work when you are aware about what is right and what is wrong.

Hopes work when you are aware about your limitations, abilities and truth of reality. They only work when you work with right senses. So why do so many of us are not able to win even after working hard? You can have the best skill but still play fair. And that’s a very common question because we know that we have worked our butts off to make things happen.

And we can’t let the things go off our hands. And here comes the main part. While dealing with the competition our only focus which remains all the time is on winning. Winning irrespective of what the conditions are. And we can do anything because we have invested our every second. These are very common feelings and as these are common they are said to happen with everyone.

Now let’s understand what reality is. Of course everyone wants to win but no one thinks what will happen if we lose. We know thinking negative is not good for mind but when you try to force positivity without being aware of downside then it will irritate you more. Wherever you are remember that flexibility is the only option left to make things happen.

Flexibility is actually a key towards acceptance. So who is called as a flexible person? It’s not only about physical flexibility but a person should also be flexible with his thinking. This is because he/she won’t overreact when things are not working according to their manner. Flexible people are patient and wait for the right moment to come up. They get to know in advanced what the truth is

They understand the higher side too but they never forget what’s on the lower level. That’s how people get consistent growth and sometimes it can happen very quickly. Now if you think about a person who only accepts positive thoughts, no awareness about what’s happening in reality and thinks only in conceptual manner.

What will happen when the person tries to step in practical part? Of course he or she will find it very difficult to compete. Real time situations are tricky and uncertain. You have to deal with it in the best way. So in order to be best a person needs to have certain amount of flexibility in life. If it’s missing in you then you need to think about it at first hand.



You can think it in a way that you will only earn money when you have done your job. Isn’t this true? No one is going to pay you for having a great amount of knowledge because unless they don’t make use of you how will they earn profits? You can have great concepts on your mind but unless you execute in actuality, people won’t believe in you at all.

That’s what the truth is and you need to accept it. This is because if you don’t accept it, then you won’t learn. And if you don’t learn you won’t find another way to deal with the problem. That’s why it is said that executing actions is more important than just planning. Now for whom theory is important?

Theory is important for everyone because you won’t try to solve mathematical problems without first reading the steps and procedure. But theory is not the solution to all of your problems. Because those problems are required to be dealt by you by using your conceptual knowledge. We humans only try to apply technical knowledge and don’t try to understand the requirements of the reality.

It’s very important to play as per the requirements of reality because if you go according to theoretical knowledge then it might happen that you won’t be able to succeed. People with average mindset only use what they have learnt in their books and never apply their brains. So this gives rise to lack of judgement, poor decision making and can create more amount of problems.

See most of the things won’t turn out as per what you have read because practical life is far different. For that you need to accept what you are experiencing right now since that is the truth. And keeping that in mind you have to find further solutions. Always remember.

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