Why It Is Important To Help Others In Need


A person can never perfectly live a life in loneliness and inversely he/she cannot live peacefully with other humans. We need humans their warmth in certain cases while in other we need to avoid them because we know it is going to make a big mess. A person who has a positive attitude and values cannot always spread positivity and at the same time the person who’s mind is propagated to do negative won’t always do negative.

Because at certain instance in life there are values which remain hidden and during worst times we step to help. Take the example of recent pandemic. It was at its peak during the start and most of them who were needy and poor got help from several non-profit organizations. There were several donations in large numbers because everyone knew it was going to affect each one of us especially those who were essential workers.

And if the supply chain had stopped at a point, it would have affected the entire system and cycle. It would look like similar to nuclear war situation. But what remains constant in this warm environment is the feelings that arise due to this stimulus from the ones who are suffering. There were also some people in the community who helped others even after being in that condition.

It’s a form of appreciation but they are never recognized for the same. One shouldn’t worry that will I get recognition from others. Though people who are already famous on online medium like social media might get recognition from others but it is not same with us. Yes, the common man who is employed through a job and does his/her part for no recognition. The person who feels that his donation needs to be recognized should never help.

This is because the term donation itself means giving something with no expectations. If you can’t control your expectations then you will always keep worrying about your hard work and time required to make it. Help means an act of giving in order to heal the ones who are suffering through the pain. It becomes very much important to not hold any kind of negative emotion when you are donating something. Then it can be money, food, essentials etc.

When you donate something with a negative emotion, it basically means you are doing that act because of some external force. For example, suppose someone demands from you to transfer money in his/her bank in order to get your valuable documents back. Of course in this situation you will hold an emotion of anger and fear since you are doing it against your will. This shouldn’t happen during the process of donation or any kind of help.



Helping someone is not easy because it’s a value that each one of us have in us but very few use it or think of using it. And those few humans cannot be found so easily because they are rare. So when you help someone in need you are able to form a network of those people who have similar thought process and values.

And this network is so important because it builds a source of positivity around. It also creates a source of positivity who are in need and they too can get inspired by your intentions and purpose. It doesn’t matter if you are not famous on social media because very few get chance. But that doesn’t mean you won’t help because there are people who do it even after getting criticized.

Yes, some people will criticize while most of them will respect you. You don’t need to worry what they really think about you. Even if there are few people who have recognized your personality, it means your actions are working right. Since help is a form of passion and people who do it enjoy it very much.

It is a form of happiness that not all of us can understand but those who are able to, they live life without any regrets and enjoy the power of freedom. Helping someone gives happiness and this kind of happiness is actually irreplaceable because it cannot be achieved through money.



Don’t worry about your influence and respect because those who run for fame are never in gain. They only achieve likes and comments from their audience and there is no world beyond it. Their life remains captured in a small screen. The ones who have really recognized your help will turn up. Because they know how it feels being in that situation where a person is unable to do anything. That self-realization becomes more important as it changes their mindset. When you help someone it remains as a memory for that person who was the victim of that situation. So when you are in need of something those people will be there for you.

Most of the humans think that the world is filled up with cruel people and that’s why they don’t try to waste their time over someone. But this mentality needs to be changed because it is widening the gap of love and hate. We are turning extremely violent or entirely innocent. There is no one who wants to balance all these values. So remember that whenever you get a chance you have to step for help.

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