Why You Should Not Follow Trend


Every day there’s someone who creates a cool stuff and if it goes viral then everyone will start following that trend instantly. So many videos go viral every day that we humans try out everything that’s possible. And do you know that this is one of the reason for time going in vain. Yet we try to remain updated as much as possible through different medium.

What goes viral on one platform can also get viral on other platforms. But why and how do such video trends go viral. One of the reasons is we humans. Just think if all the users on the YouTube Turn out to be bots. Yes, the views might be constant but it will cause a great havoc and ultimately its value will become zero.

Humans have created value to every single thing which exists on the planet. We give rise to demand or can decrease it entirely. And that is why it is said that don’t follow the crowd. Basically the crowd here means people who have similar mentality which might potentially increase value of something. This value is generally an illusion because suddenly it can totally vanish out.

Of course we are living in this illusion as we know that in future there might be something else coming in fashion. So it’s we who create value of these things and also discard them once they are out of trend. Thoughts become idea and slowly these ideas come into reality. Afterwards we build it into content and distribute through a medium.

If people like it, they will absolutely share it. And by compounding everything they make it viral. You might have heard stories where people who were struggling to become famous achieved it one night. Yes, it’s so much true and we are doing this for two main reason which are entertainment and catching the trend.

It might happen with you too but don’t become the person who is trying absolutely everything to get viral. Nowadays you might have seen so many people coming to YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and so many platforms in order to become social media influencers. It’s because we have heard that it gives respect as well as pays more than a nominal job.

But this shouldn’t be the reason for you or anyone to become famous. What you need to understand is that because of this so many people who create videos with the hope of gaining millions of followers, subscribers, views, likes are not able to do anything at all. Just think if that could have happened then why anyone would go to work or on a job.

And that’s what the trend does. It completely misinforms everyone, gains everyone’s attention, people spread wrong information and hopes. In order to remain updated as much as possible we become slave of that trend. And there is always a time where some new trend suddenly gains momentum and all of your hard work, time can go into complete waste.



One of the main reason you should never chase trend is that it can fade our life’s purpose. We get ourselves so much involved with the crowd that we might do something which is not in our values. Social acceptance is the root cause for humans to change their mindset and aligned it with the group.

Everyone wants to be socially accepted and because of this tendency we often mess up our own life. It is said that every human is unique but very few of us stick to it. And those who do always perform better than the crowd because of their unique perspective.

When we follow the mindset of crowd our thoughts slowly start to degrade because we limit our thinking. In the world of social acceptance we don’t realize what our true purpose is and then we feel disheartened, fall into depression. The idea of following the trend might be only one that is to remain updated and accepted by everyone but it won’t last forever.

Due to fast changing trend we force ourselves to act in that manner and yes this is not the way we can live our lives peacefully. The only identity a person is blessed with are the core values. Most of us forcefully try to do things according to what society needs. But the needs of the society won’t be remaining constant.

For example, you might have experience this a lot of times. When you attend a function or a party, there is always a person who comments on your attire. You can also find some individuals wearing highly fashioned clothes and others appreciating the style.

And then you might get jealous and in order to gain other’s attention, next time you will save some money to buy it. That shouldn’t be your intention. You will lose yourself in trying to impress others because these trends will be changing constantly.

What you need to preserve is your identity and do what you love to do. Remember nothing will change if you always try to act according to society’s need and that’s the bitter truth.

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