Why We Should Not Jump To Conclusions


How many times you have been in a situation where you thought that whatever you had seen is the truth but in reality nothing happened in that manner. A lot of times, isn’t it? But what if I tell you that whatever you have seen and interpreted quickly was just an illusion and not your conclusions. You will not believe since you might have used some logical approach to find out the solution.

Yet we are never right but our instincts constantly tells us that we are. This is not the way to find out the truth because if you do this all the time, you won’t be able to make stable conclusions. Basically you will judge out things depending on whatever you have seen and observed.

There is no relativity, analysis, you will just involve your emotions then your emotions will interact with the brain, leading to some random output. And later you will find yourself in a situation where nothing is correct. Afterwards you will give some reason in order to prove others wrong.

This exactly happens when we humans try to think out of the box. Don’t prove me wrong but this is incredible strategy what we humans have built in recent times. The world is changing at a pace which was unimaginable in the past but when the technology was introduced everything seemed to be possible.

We want speed in every single situation. You expect your groceries to be delivered quickly, you want your food delivery guy to rash down the streets in order to feed your hunger. Then how can we even think of keeping patience while we are thinking or when a sudden thought arises on our mind. It’s practically impossible too because we have entangled ourselves in that daily habit.

Even if you think that you might change yourself and keep calm but it won’t happen. First of all you need to avoid ideas which have faster rate of growth and are very inconsistent. Because they will only remain for shorter period of time. Avoid things which help you to get quick satisfaction.

Even there is enough desirable things around, you need to first hold on and think about consequences that will take place if you consume them. And there is an old saying that slow and steady wins the race which we are not at all experiencing in the present world.



Habits have a positive impact on our life only if they help us to improve our lifestyle and routine. Mostly people become a trap to bad habits, thinking they will change the next time which never ever happens. We quickly try to do things which gives quicker results but what about those which require long term efforts.

We don’t try to understand this and only work on short term results. Actually these short term results never contribute towards your success. You will always experience some kind of inconsistency in your overall growth. Good habits are very tough to sustain because of our laziness and lack of activeness.

We easily form bad habits because it gives immense pleasure. Life of a human being is not on short term basis. Imagine a human can live on an average sixty five to seventy years. Even a complete year feels incredibly enormous. And that’s why we need to always think about the future first.

Whenever you invest your hard earned money in any scheme, don’t you think about the risks? Of course because you have worked hard to earn every penny. Similar applies to habits. You don’t want to invest your time in those habits which can make you fall weak. Remember that temporary desire is something you need to conquer or else it will start controlling you.

When you don’t keep patience, you actually lose. It’s similar to stock market where day traders who do trading on daily basis are unable to book profits. That’s because the stock market has its own rules and no one can predict what’s going to happen in the future. We humans always want quicker result like temporary satisfaction.

We get easily attracted to such things which are on short term basis. So we follow the same habit in every part of our life and wherever we are. We will also make important decisions very quickly. Whatever we see in front of us, we will quickly conclude it in no time.

This slowly creates the kind of mindset we shouldn’t crave for. Whatever you do, wherever you are don’t take decisions in panic or even if you are in the happiest mood. Think it as a business because at last you have to face the consequences. No one is going to save you. Wait for the things to happen.

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