Why We Should Avoid Gambling


The only way to make profit in casino is to quit as quickly as possible once you enter. It means that we should avoid over gambling. Once you make profit you have to pull your money out. But what if you make a loss in the first game itself. Yes you will have to play the second game in order to recover the losses.

Yet we are unable to recover and this leads to addiction. Actually people who arrive in a casino already keep an expectation of doubling their fortune. But they never try to question that if it was possible then why do people don’t get rich by this method. They never realise the fact that before arriving at that place there are also some people who had exited with almost nothing.

It’s simply based on formula that if something makes you grow overnight then it will also fall with the same pace. And then we find ourselves left with almost nothing. People who try to gamble out their fortune are always in the need of shortest route. They suffocate to become rich quickly and as early as possible.

There’s no problem in gambling unless and until it impacts our life negatively. There’s no one in the space of gambling who have never been impacted except those who don’t care about their money. If that’s the case then nothing’s going to pressurise you. If you are spending some amount which you don’t care of from your fortune then it won’t make you fall sick or in complete depression.

But almost everyone needs money and that’s why they think about this space as an opportunity. We need to be first clear out these myths because opportunities are everywhere but we don’t know what’s really happening behind the scenes. Gambling is not an opportunity since it’s a space where opportunities are there till you have money in your hand.

Once your fortune gets wiped out all those doors which were opened for you will get close. It means that you have to pay for opportunities in the form of money. So think what’s the need for working as an employee in someone else’s reign? You could have compounded your fortune and in next few years it would have been multiplied making you the richest person on the planet.

It won’t even require years but within days you will stand on cliff. No one has that much amount of luck. Humans are always in constant need of something which will help them to gain control over every other thing. And that’s possible through money. So majority of frequent gamblers live in the world of illusion and then they have to lose all of their wealth.



Most of the people don’t realize that they are addicted to gambling. This is because when they enter the game there’s always an adrenaline rush pumping in their body. As told before they come up with expectation of winning and only just winning big chunk of money.

This especially happens with people who are young and first timers and don’t even think of the risks involved in the game. They ignore the warning signs that it is a deadly addiction according to the comments and stories of humans who had already played the game.

There’s difference between playing the game with expectation and playing the game as a game. Gambling is nothing more than a game yet we think it as an opportunity of making money. All those who enter the game get addicted so quickly because of their adrenaline rush.

When will I win is the only thought which always revolve on the mind of the people who play it for the first time. After losing for the first time they push some more amount of money into the game. And this slowly leads to what we call as an addiction. But the mind of the person who is playing the game thinks others are fool.

So these expectations constantly keep them forcing to play the game and again. It’s similar to a lottery ticket except in lottery you don’t need hefty amount of money. If you buy ten thousand lottery tickets or gamble it in single session both of them have same vision i.e. to make money.

We hold our emotions into the amount of money we are gambling. So think what will happen to the person who has struggled his entire life for creating that fortune and then with such big expectation and greed he/she enters into gamble. That needs to be avoided.

Gamble if played as a game there’s nothing to worry about. But if it is played as an expectation then it’s going to harm you a lot. Yes, it’s very much true because that’s what will be driving you every time. So be clear when you enter into gambling or the best thing is to avoid it permanently. Don’t take risks which is beyond your mental and emotional capacity. Always remember.

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