Why We Shouldn’t Set Money As An Only Inspiration


Money can be the single most desirable material which we humans need all the time. Whatever it is money can buy everything from your diapers to your meals of the entire day. People put demand on the value of money more than learning or taking right amount of wisdom. Even if it is greatest of all but it doesn’t mean that for entire life we will put money as the only vision.

Because people who set money as a vision never ever become rich. Trust me because it never comes to those who waste their time thinking and dreaming about it. People who can understand the true meaning of success won’t chase money because they know their value is much greater than money itself.

Simply it means that money won’t increase in its value unless the person invests it wisely. Suppose a person wins a lottery of one million bucks. And now he wants to enjoy his life in the most luxurious way what he had always dreamt. So will be he able to convert that one million bucks into 2 million bucks. Of course no because his desires are ruling more and he doesn’t know his own worth.

Whereas a wise man will always find a way of investing in his growth or keeping safe as deposits in a bank for future use. The important point is that a wise man won’t make unnecessary expenses and dispose it off in a day or week. A person who sets money as an inspiration can never understand his own worth without it.

It means that people will do anything to earn money since they know its value is more than their own life. And that’s where we choose to become poor even after being enough educated through schools and college degree certificates.



We can distinguish our relationships such as with our mother, father, partner, brother and sister. Similarly we need to place money where it should be. It can be at differences like in bank lockers, personal lockers or even as investment in a company. It should be in its place.

Trust me there are some people who visualise money as god and they literally garland it with flowers and decoration. Some of us treat money as god and preserve it as a belief. It doesn’t matter what rituals you are following but when you put more faith in money more than yourself then you will find yourself losing your value.

It’s similar like our relationships. Once people find us boring, they ultimately start showing their real attitude in front of everyone. Money helps to buy almost everything as we pay it with some value but it shouldn’t dominate your own value. This is because in future you won’t be able to attract it through your knowledge, skills, work or any set of your values.

It must be in its place like your daily expenses, investments, your bank account etc. It should only be a part of your life and make sure it doesn’t cause any harm to your emotional and mental health. There are people who try to chase money till their physical and mental strength completely gets depleted.

They put it as the only priority of their life more than relationships, responsibilities, family and themselves. Such humans only work for money and call it as success. Actually if you closely observe then it’s all of us who have created the value of money.

It’s we humans who have made it so much valuable. A currency becomes a form of exchange when people start to put their faith in it. It’s a belief system which we all have built it in our minds.

Alive And Motivated


As explained that money shouldn’t be an only inspiration for your dreams. If you do so then neither you will be able to earn money nor achieve your dreams. So what needs to be an inspiration? Just ask this question to yourself to find out the answer. We all have different ambitions leading to variable inspiration.

A person might get inspired from his relative or some famous celebrity. But what lies important is that you are not getting inspired from a reward or a prize. It’s not the motivation which is going to lie permanent. We can also say that these rewards make people greedy and that’s why they do those things.

Suppose there’s a game which you have to play regardless of what prize you get. So will you play it with passion? Most of the people will say no because that’s what driving our passion. And that’s also the major source of frustration for human beings. Inspiration is a value that helps you to reenergise your passion after seeing someone doing it.

It makes you feel good and ultimately boosts your self-confidence. You don’t get easily bored doing it. You still do it even when there is no reward for winning the game. And that is what real inspiration is because that is going to make you stronger than ever. And most importantly you accept it as your long term purpose.

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