Why We Should Not Believe In Role Model

Role Model

How many times you have been asked this question that who is your role model. If I could remember then most of them were my classmates. And my only answer was none. They thought I was dope but now the reality is that none of them have done anything great. Some humans keep so many role models and they literally get confuse that whom should they follow.

While there are very rare humans who passionately follow that one person and work accordingly. And that can be anyone from athlete to a businessman. What we need to understand that what role model means. If you ask this question to your friends then they will say that it is an inspiration.

In simple terms they copy the entire routine of the person and nothing else. If you ask them why. Then the only answer you will get is to become like their role model. Firstly all of these are simple doctrines which we have created by socialising with other humans. Having a single or multiple role model both of them won’t guarantee your success.

Actually a person whom we think as a role model themselves struggle through multiple events that take place. It can be a sponsorship, brand endorsements, relationship, family disputes or any other topic. Remember that none of us are perfect then that can be your role model or a famous celebrity.

Actually celebrities have more amount of issues than a normal human being. If I am not wrong most of the celebrities go through trauma because of trolls and harassment in the form of direct messages and most important contributor is the social media.

Whom we call as role model might be having millions of followers and innumerable number of fans but at the same time you will observe that it also increases problems in their personal life. You will also see the controversies happening every time. And when they reach that stage they think of reversing back to normal which is almost impossible.

They think of hiding from everyone to protect their privacy. No matter how desirable their position seems to be but at the same time it’s equally dangerous like hell. You never who is jealous and carrying hatred against you. And thinking about the current mentality of humans we should avoid chasing fame if your only intention of choosing a role model is to attract people.

We all have heard that all that glitters is not gold which is very much true when it comes to such fame making platforms. It is also very much important to understand what kind of issues we will have to face in near future.


I know it is hard to believe that how someone can set themselves as an inspiration when they are already nothing. And that is the reason we never see potential within ourselves and only observe people who are winning. Yet we imagine to become like them one day without working on it.

How many times this has happened with you when you see someone winning several trophies, awards and then you set them as your role model. When there’s a person in the society who has won several medals and created a unique character then that person is commonly set as a role model.

You can think about most popular celebrities like Justin Bieber, Cristiano Ronaldo, Angelina Jolie who have created a unique personality. And since we respect them, we state them as a role model. Your friend and you might have the same role model because both of you know that the person is famous.

And then both of you start thinking of taking his/her place someday. That can be a very nice dream but the truth is something else. If that could have happened then why would have people respected that person. Anyone would have become an actor if it was so easy.

Most of the people who have role models never hold on them. Yes they set it for the motivation but they never feel inspired because they think of improving themselves first. You can say that role model should be imagined not as an inspiration but as a motivation to keep you up during struggling days.

There are millions of people who get inspired everyday by someone who is famous but none of them get famous. And the reason is our belief in them. We prefer believing in them rather than thinking about our potential first. And due to this no one actually succeeds in reality.

So you need to believe in yourself and set yourself as an inspiration to yourself. Trust me you will be able to do better than what you did previously. At last it’s you who will be motivating yourself in this entire journey of your life. So stop thinking what others are doing and start working right now.

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