Why You Should Not Rush Into Marriage


What comes to your mind first when you hear the word marriage? Is it a wedding dress, a well-garnished cake, a buffet, alcohol or a jewellery set? You might be thinking that wedding is must in order to create a relationship. Yes, it’s a concealment and a valid proof that you are engaged with one person. Yet there are people in this world who are married but have many physical and romantic relationships.

It’s actually impossible to count since none of them are satisfied with their marriage. This is because their intention is something else. A relationship where both of them have different intention will not be able to continue their relationship for a longer period of time.

We talk a lot about our feelings, wants, needs with the person whom we love but none of us actually think about the future. We will remember about our weeding date, memories we have spent together with our partner but not about our future which is very much significant. Marriage is more than a physical relationship.

You can spend two nights gaining the best physical pleasure but the very next day you will file for a divorce. Marriage has become a hype because a lot of people remain single. Actually they are not forever single but they go through repeated cycle of marriage and divorce. And then they come to a point where they can’t hold on marriage anymore.

What’s their mistake you might be wondering? It’s their intention which makes their marriage unsuccessful. There are people who marry for a different purpose most commonly for wealth. I know it’s bad to talk about this but if you don’t realise your partner’s purpose then you will put yourself into a big trouble.

Even after understanding that marriage is based on law but still there are people who take it very casually. Even if it is a love marriage, you are still at risk because the law is same for everyone. People are deviating from arrange marriages in order to enjoy their desire at very early stage of life rather than safeguarding it for the future purpose.

In simple terms they are not interested in meaning of relationship but to fulfil their desire. Then that desire can be anything from wanting a wealthy lifestyle to becoming physically satisfied. A successful marriage has everything, it can compromise over everything, satisfy your mental and physical desire but once you try to fool your partner then there’s no meaning to your marriage at all.

It will be more like a dumped garbage and a whole lot of frustration over your mind that your truth has been caught. And of course you can never hide your lie permanently in your dear relationship.



It’s normal that you will get excited to tie knots with someone whom you like the most. But have you ever asked the question that is the other person also having the same plan. This is because there are several reasons that a marriage can extend for years.

One of them I have personally known is reason of career and goals in life. A lot of relationships have this problem because they are unable to manage their own careers and managing the relationship is beyond their reach. Marriage is something even tougher where you have to put your own money to buy a new home, have kids, fulfil responsibilities and the list just never ends.

It’s like a slow poisoned death of your happiness if you are dependent on your parents. You will be stressed about a lot of things that might even break you into pieces. This is very much important to recognize in case of an unorganized arrange marriage.

Arrange marriage is for the day which both of you physically tie knot but mentally get drained. Youngsters who forcibly have to marry for the sake of their parent’s happiness only sustain it for a temporary period. After that issues start kicking in the relationship due to several reasons such as lack of satisfaction, financial problems and no proper time management for their relationship.

The guilt here is that you spend time to get physical, emotional satisfaction rather than using it to work for your goal and enjoying your life. It’s not like we shouldn’t get married because it’s a key for emotional and physical satisfaction. You can’t have multiple partners and make your relationship more complex by avoiding marriage.

You won’t get peace by pushing them into marriage just because you don’t want to lose that person. Remember that your partner should give an equal amount of struggle into it which will also count his/her seriousness.

It’s better to remain single so that you can invest your time in learning new things and experimenting which you won’t get once you settle in a marriage. Remember that someday you will feel the guilt of marrying at the wrong time due to your lack of patience.

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