Why You Should Avoid Plagiarism


Have you ever been in a situation where you were caught for copying someone else’s content? While you were reading the above sentence there were thousands of individuals already caught red handed somewhere in the world. Yes, you read it right because plagiarism has been increasing its presence not only on just internet but even in real life scenarios.

That’s why I asked you that is there any kind of incident which has taken place in your life before? If not then also you have to read this article patiently because such incidents will absolutely take place someday in your life. This has also happened in my life without having any kind of negative intention or wrong purpose.

We all know that world runs as per set rules and once they are broken then that person will be called as criminal. So what is plagiarism? Plagiarism is a process in which a person uses someone’s content and entitles as his/her own content. In simple terms a person tries to steal content for his/her benefit without crediting the author or the creator.

Plagiarism is actually committed by people who don’t have any kind of intention to cheat. This is because most people don’t realise it’s an unethical act. Plagiarism is as simple as duplicating someone’s original content. But what some people do is that they try to write sentences in passive voice or try to jumble the sentences in random order so that no one can trace it out.

Yet there are some tools which can easily identify such jumbled sentences in a matter of seconds. If information is used in an unworthy way then there’s technology taking care of how to identify it. Nowadays even teachers are using such tools to screen out answer sheets and if there are some identical statements, words then it is easily caught without trying to stress your naked eyes. So why do people try to plagiarize?

If it’s an intentional act with some wrong purpose then it can be used to make money by selling the information to others. Try to understand that when you plagiarize then you are actually selling someone’s hard work. Suppose if this happens with you then what will you do? Won’t you fight back for your own work?

Information in today’s world is free but that doesn’t mean it’s completely free and you cannot claim ownership. There will also be a time where you have read or by hearted the information and you will directly paste as it is. Yes, it might not be your intention but it will be still called as plagiarism in such cases.

In schools we have been taught of mugging up information so that we can paste it in exams and score an A grade. But that habit can be one of the worst reason to put you in front of the judiciary. Even if it’s good for your memory but before publicly posting such information read your content again. Try to use tools which are available to screen the content for words that’s matching or very much similar to someone’s copyrighted content.



It’s true that knowledge gives you power to convert your ideas into reality and that’s what happens with knowledgeable people. They use it to level up their thoughts and to give the right shape to their ideas. But what will happen if you don’t have enough knowledge about a particular subject. Suppose you are given a responsibility to fly a plane from New York to Paris.

You haven’t been trained or have enough experience about the concept called planes. So what will you do in such case? Will you still figure out things by yourself or deny the responsibility you have been given? Of course you won’t deny the responsibility if you are paid a hefty amount of money. You will try to figure out, have thorough research over the internet and you will still fail.

Before carrying out any task remember you should consider to at least have a formal training first. A real time scenario can take place anytime but when you have enough practical knowledge, theoretical knowledge and most importantly years of experience then you can do it by yourself.

A first timer always feels confused and this situation ultimately triggers their emotion which then leads to wrong doings. For some people money becomes the only form of happiness and therefore they take several aggressive steps to learn out things fast in one go and grab the job. In my personal experience this hasn’t worked for me because after sometime it automatically kills our expectations.

If you have heard the old proverb that slow and steady wins the race then you can apply this in any task you are doing. An experienced person won’t need a repeat explanation of what he/she has already learnt. You won’t be requiring to copy someone’s hard work if you learn and practise your subjects thoroughly.

Plagiarism as said before doesn’t give any permanent advantage because someday the duplicated content gets revealed by itself. So try to create your own content with the basic knowledge you have.

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