Why You Shouldn’t Chase Love

ChaseHope you haven’t chase over someone who doesn’t love you back with the same kind of energy. Even if you have fallen in such relationship it doesn’t mean everything has ended in your life. Remember that this is a phase where you are learning about how to deal with relationships.

Even if you are old it doesn’t mean you have enough experience. There are people who are never interested in love during their young age and then after completing their respective careers they get messed up with their relationships. Just like career your relationships play an important role in your life.

What we do is we work on our careers and then try to find a temporary solution for our desire. Like dating through a dating app or entering a night club to find a partner whom you can enjoy with. Mostly people who don’t plan of what kind of relationship they must choose find themselves in a terrible mess.

Like in rare case you will find a permanent relationship where people are using online dating apps. Just think that why so many singles are there on such platforms. It’s not because they want a permanent relationship. As the platform indicates, it’s a place where you date and leave after having fun.

It’s not like a marriage ceremony where you will completely bond yourself to the person. More than fifty percent of people try to find love in these dating platforms, strip clubs where actually the main motive is to spend a night just to explore random bodies.

It’s important to understand that when we want to have fun with unorganized and casual people then we cannot explain them to stay in our life. Of course they will leave to carry on their job or to seek pleasure with someone else. You cannot find love in this place and even if you find it then it might live with wrong intention.

A place where people live for temporary period won’t help you even if you pour permanent feelings into them. If you do then those people will start playing with you. So where you can find love? A question you might be thinking now. There is no permanent place to find love yet we can try our best by understanding the behaviour and attitude of those individuals with others and with themselves.

We can expect permanency in a relationship only if we choose to understand how those people behave with others and not just with you. On first impression you might get impressed with their mannerism but don’t get too much close. Their true version gets revealed when you actually spend time to understand their behaviour and then you will get to know that are they really worth loving or not.


Do you know that we chase other humans constantly only to get love and affection from them? You might think that money could also be the reason but money actually doesn’t hold you on a person. You might leave and join someone else if the person seems to be not okay.

But in case of love we hold on them since we feel that we can’t find the similar kind of person anywhere in the world. You can deviate your path if there’s too much of obstacles while chasing money. You can find path which is less struggling than others.

For example when you have high level skills and knowledge you are able to make more money in less time with almost no struggle. If you try to compare that professional job to labour work you can almost feel the difference. In love people go blind and confused with nothing remaining than waiting for the person to change.

They chase the person by stalking, following them in public and keeping eye over their routine.  If you are doing this then trust me it’s completely unhealthy for your mind. Unwanted expectations will give you the greatest shock of your life which will make you fall into great depression.

People don’t understand that chasing the same person over and over again won’t make any difference into their life. More than that it will harm their energy and time. So first of all when you love someone more than yourself you will stop finding worth in yourself.

You will stop giving more importance to your life. Trust me half of the population never become successful because they believe in others for change and not themselves. Imagine a world where everyone puts value in themselves. Think it as a world famous brand like Amazon where you are pouring that energy in yourself.

Half of the human population of this planet neither become successful in their respective careers nor in the love of their life. You should never chase things which doesn’t make you valuable. Of course go for opportunities which will help to build your life but never hold yourself in one place.

If it’s not working for you after struggle and pain then you need to move on. Remember you need to be successful in at least in your relationship or your passion. If you are flexible enough you might become successful in both of them.

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