How News Channels Are Toxic To Your Mental Health

“Breaking news, today, the country has created a new record. The total number of daily coronavirus cases has jumped to around thirty five thousand!”


Ah, that breaking news feels like someone punching me 200 times on my belly to create a vaccine. Some people feel like News Channels are becoming more toxic than their exes. Oh! That gives some extra butterflies in the stomach.

We all have been at that place and trust me that’s more toxic than a breakup. The volume of searched results about the daily coronavirus cases on Google alone is infinite! When the whole planet was suffering through economic crisis, News channels were the ones who were getting heavy profits.

I doubt that not a single day you have missed to watch news especially about coronavirus. Isn’t it? Cool down, I know this has been the worst part of your life. But what can you do? Can you try to neglect the situation by maintaining patience? It’s not only you but the entire world is like you.

When such a situation takes place, humans will be the first to protect themselves. No matter what happens, they will listen to the news and then they will plan their decisions by themselves.

You were not alone. We all were doing the same thing. For most of us, these News channels acts as focal point. Even while planning to step out of the house, we will make sure of carrying hand sanitizer, hand gloves and of course a mask. Then after coming home, parents will order to enter the bathroom and have a warm bath first.

During that time, even the individuals who were maintaining poor hygiene standards, suddenly jumped to the cleanest routine. The ones who never ever swept or mopped the floors became housemaids. And then those poor husbands who thought of becoming powerful aristocrats of their family devastated by dominance of their women.

Sometimes I feel thankful to coronavirus for making us alive again. It was a special gift in the year 2020, mostly for the students who never loved their studies. Okay so coming back towards news. Why do we need News channels? Why news channels act as important source of information?

There are many questions and you might know the answer, but actually there are various side effects on our mind, when this kind of channels spread information relating to the situations which we are facing in the reality.

I accept that News on the televisions sets are genuine. But do you know how much genuine are they to your mind? In today’s world if we don’t get genuine information then it will lead to mental harassment. So you might think, how is that even possible? It is because of development.  

Few centuries back, in those olden days, when television sets weren’t invented, most of the people were dependent on newspapers and gossips. Gossips commonly known as “RUMOURS” now, didn’t create much of authenticity.

When education slowly developed its reach, individuals were acknowledge about authenticity of the newspapers and other printed materials. Television sets were introduced in the ninety’s and now it has become the most trustable media for most of us.



So the main problem is that when we trust someone, we let them control our minds. Just take an example of newly met young boyfriends and girlfriends. Actually when we talk about this kind of relationship, we expect our partners to be trustworthy. Which means the other half shouldn’t have doubts with your trust. Instead of saying trust, I can say mutual trust.

So what happens is that, when both of them try to remain committed to their status, they keep mutual expectations at the same time. Which means both of them rely on each other connecting with these two terms i.e. “EXPECTATION” and “TRUST”.

As you know girlfriend and boyfriend kind of relationship has been under serious threat nowadays. The growth jumps at first sight and then it naturally dissolves within weeks or also in a day. What I want to say is that we are actually in love with these News Channels in similar manner.

Love is also kind of curiosity, where an individual wants to know more about the other half. We too are living in the similar situation. We depend on their trust, genuineness and most importantly on their information.

Some people even have a bad habit of scrolling through news apps on their mobile phones while answering their nature’s call. Some of them even forget to clean their ass and flush the toilet bowl. Such a kind of attraction they feel and thus they lose their consciousness.

And then there are people who are attracted to female news reporters. Especially the singles and the introverts who never try to propose in reality. Just like they are going to marry the reporter. So let’s end jokes here and learn more about this mental disease.

Yes, I call this as disease because it’s an addiction. Do you know that a mental addiction can kill you early than a physical one. During the quarantine, most of the people never ever tried physical exercises. Not only about exercise but most importantly there were no physical movements at all.

Netflix Are You Serious?

Couch, Netflix, news, games, food and the mobile phones were the most preferred option. If you had practiced this routine in the whole quarantine time for at least four months, then trust me no one can ever change you because routine plays an important role in maintaining good mental health. If you want to know more about routine then you can read this: 2 Steps To Protect Your Mental Health

I don’t want to spread hate about watching news or not, but in scientific manner there are lot of processes involved when you try to imagine or visualise those situations. For e.g. when candidates face their interviews for the first time, most of them stumble due to lack of confidence, and most importantly due to fear of success or failure.

Similarly, when we watch any kind of news during such a situation, we can’t think about others and slowly it also affects our way of thinking. We always look for positivity or any kind of good news but at last the news channels will always speak about the real information that they want to share.

I have even saw some of the news channels are never straightforward. When there is a discussion about a hot topic, then almost every news channel never leaves to convince their audience. The latest example is the coronavirus. Most of the countries who saw a steady growth in coronavirus cases remained affected the most.

Remember new channels never ever leave a single way to earn profits. News Channels have extraordinary minds when it comes to generating profit. They won’t spread false information, but they will spread fears. They will create assumptions about a particular topic like the coronavirus and its vaccine.

“Will it be successful?” “Will the vaccine be ever created?” “Is the world in danger?” and I have also seen assumptions like “Will the world end due to this disease”. If I am not wrong but some of them prefer this way to spread fears among the audience. And some of them share this fear with other people around.


“News Channels will convey authentic information. But their assumptions are more toxic. Their assumptions lead to overthinking and discouragement of better productivity, thus leads to poor mental health. They are genuine but not for your mind.”


I really avoid those news channels, which lead to certain kind of fear. Most of the people think that their mental health is degrading because of poor routine. They even fix their routine. And try to involve workout which could lead to better productivity.

They do everything possible. But at last, their mind never improves at all. That anxiety just never goes off. Yes, you are right. They forget to switch off such unrealistic thoughts from their mind.

A news channel that conveys essential information is said to be the best one. At last we all want to be updated with the right knowledge. But we don’t want to involve rumours in our surrounding that can lead to fears.

Remember assumptions are more toxic than a false news. Don’t let your mental health suffer through this kind of trauma. Limit assumptions and these kind of news channels to improve your mental health.

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