How People Are Earning Profits In This Pandemic


Wait, what? Who is earning profits during pandemic? That might sound like a joke, right? No, not at all. What you think are your assumptions. You might be earning in a reputed company or leading an organization but profits? That looks serious.

Due to this pandemic, you might be earning less than your previous pay checks. You might be comparing and observing the depression in your wealth. Okay, let me tell you it’s not only you but the entire world is suffering through the loss but there are few exceptions.

And those exceptions are earning twice or thrice than their previous reports or you can also say profits. It might sound like that’s great so who are they? No, I am not going to tell you in a straightforward manner because this requires some amount of thinking.

And this was going to happen because of some predictions. These predictions has also happened in previous pandemic as well. Okay we will start to apply some brains on this situations.

So during the coronavirus pandemic who do you think might have achieved profits? Think about your routine. This could be understood only if you think. When you get up what was is the first thing you always do. Of course brush teeth and have nice bath. That might be as usual.


You might be watching television in order to hear the fresh news about the number of cases and the coronavirus vaccine. Right? That might be a shift of routine for some people. The ones who didn’t watch news previously like small children, teenagers or young adults shifted their habits.

Even daily job seekers, labourers, and wife had shifted to this habit and you know why it was because of the pandemic. In order to hear about some good news, these were the ones who made it as a daily habit.

If you think about the current population then there is nothing you can say other than profits and heavy profits. That’s why many of the news channels used to start their reports with the number of coronavirus cases.

And not only that but even these reporters tried to form stories in order to hook their audience. So the formula is straight forward that is more the rate of engagement more chances of turning it to profits.

So if you think that news channels might be gaining loss then you are wrong. Because this is the only way they make profits. They provide genuine information, which we audience want to hear. And most importantly we trust them for whatever information they provide.

Because of that trust, the media exist. So this was the way news channels made profits in this recent pandemic. Not profits but I will say insane profits.


It can be also called as never ending business. No matter how deadly the situation might be, but this business will never be going to stop at all. It’s the root, which builds every human being on this planet.

From birth till death an average human consumes so much amount of medicines, which might help you to buy at least a car for yourself. Yes and this pandemic was never a thought of opportunity for these pharmaceutical companies. You can’t even imagine that this was called as one in a lifetime business.

You can also say that the number of corona cases were directly proportional to the profits. More the number of cases, more medical attention required. And due to the attention required for those special patients, the consumption of medicine seen a great spike in the charts.

Pharmaceutical companies made huge profits at the time the cases were rising steadily. Not only pharmacy, but even hospitals were full in their capacity. Private hospitals were charging more than what it used to be before. As per the general rule that when demand increases prices also increase at the same rate which was similarly seen in this pandemic.

Apart from the regular medicines most of the institutes and global companies were running for creating the coronavirus vaccine. You might think it was because for saving the world from the viral infection. But no almost all of the private companies saw this as an opportunity to become famous as well as to earn insane money.

A vaccine is said to be the solution to a specific disease which should work on every human. Because of that headline “vaccine is a cure to a disease” people were blindly running behind it. I would also say that vaccine was the single most important topic for most of the people fighting for their lives. That’s was the tragedy of this global pandemic.



Oh My God, I should have listed it at the first place because this is one of the most incredible and powerful tool to crack the present world. Though internet is not owned by anyone but if someone would have done that then it was supposed to be the wealthiest source on the entire planet more than any other company or an organization.

So you can imagine the powers someone would have if internet was owned by an individual. Now, let’s talk about the reality. If you relate internet with the global pandemic then almost everyone had loved spending time online. If you observe closely then at every moment, we required internet in order to fulfil even our basic needs.

How many of you tried to step out of your homes in order to buy essentials items. Very few, the ones who lie in the lower class might had to do that because of money problem, but you know what the ones who never ever ordered in their life time through an online shopping or e-commerce website tried it during this pandemic.

Yes, due to the situation almost everyone tried to shop through e-commerce websites. If you observe the net-worth of Jeff Bezos, it almost got doubled in just three months. That’s spike is unimaginable. Since we cannot live without these essential items internet became a source to fulfil our basic requirements.

You might have heard about work from home phrase through which people tried to make money from home. So here I am not only pointing over office work but even normal people who earn living made it without any kind of ideal jobs. Most of the people might have faced termination or suspension, in order to lower down the payable load to the employees working in those specific organization.

But even in this pandemic some people were earning more than their previous pay checks or you can even say they were gaining profits.

Yes there are many platform like blogs, YouTube, Podcasts, which drove more amount of traffic than ever. Since the consumption and the daily data requirement was increased thus the amount of unique visitors on blogs and Youtube Channels was higher than the usual.

So it’s not only big companies, but even individuals around us are turning profits through their self-made business and that is what made them feel unique in this pandemic.

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