How Should We Treat Our Helpers


No matter how much the technology gets improved or how many new inventions takes place, but when it comes to bulk production we need helpers. And those are not super rich people and they do it for fulfilling needs of their family and themselves. Due to drastic changes in Science and Technology we think that robots will be replacing humans in the future.

Though it might be possible but not all the time. It is not practically possible to make robots work according to every task. Some tasks require emotions which can include dealing with humans. No matter how much it feels like the future will be dominated by robots, but on the other side it is impossible to imbibe it with every aspect of emotions like that of human beings.

In simple words it means we cannot fully replace human beings by robots. Though they have enough durability, working capacity than of human beings but in some sectors they cannot handle every move happening there. Humans can deal with the changing environment and can find out some or other practical solution.

But a robot will work according to the information which is fed in. The emotional intelligence in them is nil and that’s why it’s even dangerous to let them interact with humans all the time. So if you compare robots with humans then according to flexibility requirement for work human workers can win. But this doesn’t mean that they need to be treated with cruelty and you will induce your voice all the time.

What we forget is that without them nothing is possible. Whatever product you have at home is created solely on the basis of human workforce. And if you look around you will not find a single thing which doesn’t include human touch. The simplest thing to build requires human attention though there are robots involved in its bulk production.

Robots always cannot handle errors while humans can rectify it by their intelligence accordingly. Most of the people have this of feeling of treating their lower level workers as a slave and unfortunately this can never stop. It’s not only you but there are people around who are treated according to their position.

And if the helper is working for the owner directly then he/she also has to listen to the harsh words. They can’t even react back as they might lose that job. Even if they find better opportunities around, they will still have to listen as it is a human tendency. And because of this reason they feel demotivated and distrust whenever they settle over a job.

No human in the world will feel happy after being tortured without a reason. They know their work their limits and once they are unable to bear torture they are forced to leave. The comparison between rich and poor cannot be created in terms of wealth and property.

We all are blessed with enough wealth to survive but when it breaches the limit, our ego bursts out. And because of that ego we humans create boundaries and treat people accordingly.



Have you ever seen a person from a wealthy family whenever finds himself/herself in bad mood switches all those emotions over their servants. Whenever they seem to be irritated, the servants gets to know that they are going to be tortured or treated very badly. And in some cases they have to face it with the pain they are already going through.

It is their financial problem, family matters, lack of knowledge which hurts them in a different way. And the amount of mental stress they go through is more than what you can ever imagine. Yes, they even have to face mental stress along with the physical stress as their job involves manual work.

What we need to understand is that their lives have much more amount of pain as they have to face struggles in every phase of life like a normal human being. So they need to be treated with kindness like the way we treat our family members. When they complete their work always appreciate them because remember that without them it wouldn’t have been possible.

What we think is that money can buy labour even if someone leaves the job. This means that since everyone in that category is in need of money we can choose else over someone. Yeah, that might be true but you cannot always retain those workers if you are not behaving with them properly. No one will like to work and it will be difficult to keep a permanent staff or helper.

So in order to keep them they need to be felt motivated. They need to be paid according to the agreement. Some of us have a very bad habit of bargaining with salaries just because in order to save it for our expenses and shopping purposes.

Just thinking about ourselves, requirements and ignoring the needs of those poor helpers won’t make anyone proud. Bargaining can be done when a product is being sold. Bargaining with human labour can be called as to have cheap mentality and lack of feelings and emotions.



Though this statement can be found to be correct with each one of us but we forget when we find someone not working according to our policy even after paying them. No matter how much educated you are but you will tend to make mistakes. And then look out for the mistakes you find out when they are working for you. Mishandling can be a common issue among labourers which can be a cost for the owner.

And when such things are very precious and rare for the owner then it won’t be good for the helper. The worker can be under wrong impression if he/she is new to the place or has just recently joined. And in such cases too they are suspended from their jobs. Mistakes if avoided can make you suffer more because one has to learn through it.

It can be a wrong move or the right one, our mistakes shouldn’t be judged. Similarly for these people who are working for us might make mistakes which can be a nightmare. This doesn’t mean that it will happen every time. One shouldn’t react in a violent way if you lose your personal things by someone’s mistake.

Remember what has happened has happened, it needs to be left in the past. Don’t lose your temper over someone who has made mistake for the first time.

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