How To Have Multiple Income Streams


Job seekers proudly say that they are earning hefty salary and have income every month. Though it might be true but they hold an ego by entitling themselves to a position in an organization or a company. It’s not wrong to feel proud of your job but if you are proud of your company then it will make you feel miserable after it kicks you out of the hierarchy.

Sometimes I find it humorous because people only try to show their big fat salaries for the sake of gaining attention and respect from others. It turns out to be wrong when a person completely depends on a company for the entire lifetime. We never know what is going to happen tomorrow and the system can get disrupted anytime.

What’s actually a job for you? Is it helping you make your dreams come true or you are forcing yourself to make money? If your sole purpose is to make only money then you won’t get satisfied by the amount of money you are making. But still, you will continue with it because it is paying your monthly bills and rent.

Nothing in life is permanent and not even your job. Each company has a definite life span and a majority of companies never pass the threshold to achieve some kind of growth. There are up’s and down’s but if there’s only a downtrend in terms of sales, revenue and audience then the company suffers a lot. It might survive for few years but afterwards it will suffer through huge debts.

We need to always love our work more than the name of the company. The company is surviving because of its customers and once people turn to other brands then how will it provide you the salary. How are you going to pay your monthly bills? You might be thinking that I can turn to some other organization very much quickly.

It is possible but if you don’t have enough patience then you won’t be able to get your preferred job. You will have to settle for a low-paying job only.



Side Hustlers will know this trick very well because those people are very much smart and brilliant managers of their financial portfolio. Some people who don’t have enough qualifications add a few bucks more to their net income. That’s possible only if you keep multiple income streams. Side hustlers are always active and can also work extra time for more money.

These people successfully build great empires because they start earning and understanding the system at a very early age of life which enables to adapt even in extreme conditions like inflation and high unemployment rate. Great example you can feel this is through the pandemic which created a high unemployment rate and at the same time many businesses were shut down.

Think about those people who never had any savings in their bank account or had just started their career. Think about those people who passed out from universities and were in need of job. Because of this situation, a panic was triggered in every sector and people shifted their careers into some other field.

No matter how professional and experienced you are it will be of no use if there’s no job in first place. Remember that a job is created because of demand from the employer. The demand is for the workforce and in exchange you are paid for completing that job.

Many people say that through educational certificates they can grab the job or at least a lower position. But when such incidents take place, there will be a handful of opportunities or no jobs available at all.

Why I am stressing a lot on creating multiple sources of income is because it is the only way to get financial freedom. So even suppose you lose a job during crisis then you won’t get on panic mode and land into any kind of scam. People who remain dependent on jobs never try to be fearful that what will happen if they lose their job.

What they think is that their job in the company will remain forever. They think that without them the company won’t run their operations successfully. But the reality is none of the jobs are dependent on you. Any employer can replace your position at any time. And we have to feed this on our minds because tomorrow you shouldn’t hold a grudge on any employer.

The most important point to make you understand this is you should utilize that free time which you get after completing your daily shifts. Search on Internet, try to understand what people are doing, how they are making money online and offline. Utilization of those free hours will decide your future. It’s very important part of your life because if those hours are wasted then they won’t come back ever.



I know you are very much focused on your current skill sets because you have been practicing this for years. You poured immense amount of time to educate yourself and gain experience through it. The majority of people only stick with their passion and focus on things related to it.

But here we are not talking about passion because we have to gain some kind of financial stability through multiple income sources. It’s also important to have exposure of skills that are not related to your career. Because these skills will help you to at least safeguard yourself from any crisis happening in the future.

Those skills will let you live a meaningful life even if your passion fails to serve you financially. Many people say that money is not important and only try to focus on their passion. But deep inside we all know what the reality is because we need money for our survival and to make a living through it. Build your skillset so that you can draw some income from different streams.

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