How To Not Fall Victim In Victim’s Game


A victim according to the English dictionary is a person who has been harmed or injured by accident or through a crime. It’s very common nowadays that people blame each other for the incidents which have never happened at all.

In simple words they intentionally try to manipulate the situation and the crowd puts blind faith in their stories. We have heard so many times on Newspapers and Television that fake allegations are put on someone who is famous celebrity and has been doing well in his/her career and relationship.

The idea to play victim card is to create false news in order to pull the innocents down in mess. There are actually two purpose for this. The one is to spread false news about someone to punish them and the other is to create popularity for entertainment purpose.

If you are an active social media user, you will see so many individuals making use of their talents to gain sympathy from people. We humans are emotional and can easily fall over such false stories without even cross checking the same. And that’s why you will see that there’s always some news spreading about fake allegations and cheat games played over innocents.

It’s quite obvious that the doer does this in order to higher their status or to lower someone’s status. Similarly such victims are always there in our life. They can be through relationships or a random person can also use your innocence to benefit themselves.

This post is for those who want to protect themselves from such toxic people playing with their dear life. A lot of our relationships which are known as toxic is based on this intentional act to gain sympathy from others. And then they slowly try to play with our feelings to show that they have been harmed because of you.



Many people chase relationships to meet their needs. It’s obvious they want to engage with pals to satisfy their emotional needs. No one wants to remain in loneliness and that’s why relationships are very much an important part of our life.

But the same puts them in a great risk of feeling resentment, jealousy and cheated. Not all of our relationships are going to flourish and it’s very true in every sense. Depending upon how both of you treat each other will decide the destiny of the relationship.

And that’s why you need to choose relationship very wisely or else it will become too difficult to get out of a toxic relationship. Sometimes even the best kind of relationship where both the partners put equal efforts turn cruel. This includes animals too because at last they are living beings. But in case of animals they don’t act with a specific intention.

Though they are not intelligent than human beings but all their actions come up in order to survive. Human beings have been developed to such an extent that they don’t have to kill each other for food. They can live peacefully but because of jealousy and hatred towards each other they can never stop doing this shit.

Unworthy relationships will always create a void in your life because they won’t support your growth. A lot of humans though understand this but still they try to indulge with them and end being the victim in their game. This is one of the reason that why people use victim mentality to create troubles in someone’s life. So always maintain boundaries from such human beings who make you uncomfortable.



You know that attachments in relationship is the primary reason for not being able to leave a toxic relationship. A relationship doesn’t like to end with formal papers or just telling the person to break up. This is because there’s some process constantly happening within our body and mind. We get so much immersed into the person’s life that it becomes impossible to leave them.

When attachments come into play then there’s no way to stay away from that person. Though you are physically absent but mentally your mind will always be revolving around him/her. If you want to know that that you have fallen in attachments then there are some early signs which will make you understand.

You will constantly stalk into their profile for no reason. You will put your important work on hold and give them the required attention. There will always be you waiting for them to come up online for conversation. And then you will slowly degrade your value by not giving any kind of attention towards your health and career.

You need to understand that there’s a huge difference between love and attachments. If you are attached to a person then you will always find yourself playing the role of victim. The world won’t realise this but deep down you will regret your actions for undervaluing yourself. Remember to never let yourself down for someone who is unworthy.

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