How To Stay Positive In Negative Situation


The best kind of humans are those who try to act positive and encourage others even after struggling with their own life. This is true and such people sparkle like crystals not through their external beauty but with the amount of wisdom they are always keeping with themselves. Such people expand their knowledge and wisdom at such higher levels but then too they still remain humble with others.

Especially those who are going through the worst phase of life. It’s actually impossible for normal humans to even behave according to that kind of crystal clear attitude. Actually we all are normal humans. It’s within our control the way we behave, communicate, think and act. At last it is all affecting our mind, body and soul. We all have been making a great mistake in life that we always think negative thoughts will be encouraged in negative situation.

All of us believe that such situations shouldn’t exist as it affects our life in a serious way. But actually such negative situations helps us in improvements. There can be a time where people who believe in failure can turn out to be successful. And such situations have been recognized in every form of work, job and ultimately life. Some people have beaten failure at the closest.

Take example of a game. There are certain games which are highly volatile. People think that the move will fail but then it turns out to be success. This is not due to luck or something. Though luck is a factor but all it depends on determination and patience which only specific players are able to retain. And such values create a great positive impact which boosts moral to play more.

Such situations not only make people stronger but at times it helps to form a memory that helps to remember that even impossible can turn into possible. We have a right to choose. There are two ways available when things are not going according to your will. You can also say that such situations are beyond control. And those two ways left are to either quit and step back or to fight till the game completes.

Players choose one of those ways when they lose their hopes. Almost all of them try to quit and you will find hardly anyone who will still struggle. But it has happened a lot of times that games have been won from zero hopes. And this is possible only because of the positive attitude of players. Some people depend on hopes in order to accomplish. When there is nothing left to succeed or to pass then people usually take care about their hopes.

Hopes are one of their motivational factors but actually this factor works only when we take actions. People completely depend over something which doesn’t exist. Hopes are thoughts which are imaginary. It gives a feeling to expect some result but those results cannot be obtained without inserting some amount of efforts into it. When we are tired, we become selfish.

We take help of someone to clear our path. But in reality no one tries to interfere in between where a person will lose tons of hard work. In that fear they stay away. So even those hopes are dependent on our actions. Hopes provide stability. It helps as an idea of motivation but all the work needs to be done by ourselves only. When we energise these hopes, so in turn they make us more confident of our achievements. All we have to do is pour sufficient amount of energy, time and patience into it.



Some people try this technique because they are always tired of their behaviour due to frequency in sudden rise of negative emotions. They try to seek help of those experts who themselves are suffering through trauma. Frankly speaking these experts only try to clean your pockets by giving some shitty advice through their speeches and mix up random stories in between.

They force people to stay positive when they actually don’t want to be. Positivity cannot be inserted in your routine since it is not an act. Being positive is a feeling and this can only take place when we are happy at the first place. Happiness is not any kind of entitlement. No one is donating happiness here. But we humans are always seeking happiness in terms of good wealth.

Even if the health deteriorates we will still feel that happiness is wealth. You cannot gain it in high amounts at the same time. Either you can be happy by your health or you will have to find happiness in money. But some people create a kind of environment in which they can satisfy both the sides. They are able to manage good amount of wealth as well as healthy lifestyle. They can even retain positive attitude in negative situation.

This is because they are free and they never hold on any kind of emotions. It can be love, hate or even anger because even the positive emotions can turn negative. It all depends on the way we tackle problems. People get into problems because they hold on the positive side only and when it is time to take U-turn they are not able to do so. Smart people are those who never hold on emotions because they get to know in advance that these emotions are on temporary basis.

When we are in love we will feel good and the moment the break-up takes place we fall in to depression. The reason for this is we only try to find happiness. Actually no one should find happiness because it is always lying in ourselves. These are temporary situations and we must avoid it. You might have seen people who laugh even after getting trolled. They not only show externally but are also able to create a good hearty laughter from within.


You might be thinking about what to do in order to be happy? You will also think that there must be some tips to be happy. But in reality there is no straightforward answer for happiness. We humans are unique as it is said before and that is why there is not specific way that will make you happy. Some people create happiness while reading story books while some are able to create happiness by playing videogames.

There is no opinion or suggestion. A person can’t remain happy by doing something in a negative situation. This is because he or she will be tried at first place. So that is why one should not hold on positivity or expect it from someone. Being positive is only achievable through freedom which you get from within yourself. Make it as a habit.

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