What Should We Do When We Are In Depression


As we all know that how the recent pandemic cause a great havoc around the world. But more than the virus, people were suffering through its fear. Most of us were stressed because of some symptoms which were thought to be relevant with the disease. The older generation was the most affected not because of the virus but due to the tension of survival between life and death. Actually the term depression never existed centuries ago because it was never a problem. Being sensitive was thought to be weak.

Majority of depression is caused by the term called “entitlement”. “If you don’t become this then you will die poor.” And such statements have been created because of myth the community is following. We all set goals in life, but when such goals are cleared, we become stressed of experiencing unrealistic expectations.

Whenever we are in present, we think that after getting that kind of entitlement we will be called as successful. But unfortunately this happens only for a temporary period of time. Once your time is over then no one gives a damn about that entitlement. Depression is ultimately caused by the societal pressures which is created by our closest relationships and even the unknown people to some extent.

If you are a popular or famous celebrity, then expectations will ultimately rise eventually leading to stress. What we need to think about is mental peace. In today’s world, you can become anything you want. A lot of opportunities have been created but at the same time the competition has become rigid.

Tough, rough whatever you say is still less because even if we have lot of opportunities, the number of participants are more than expected. And because of this we are crumbling our colleagues, relationships through the word of mouth and because of it we all are following a particular trend.

A person might pass through the competition but he/she will suffer through the criticism of unsatisfied people. There will be heck lot of people who will get involved with your work personally. And some of them will stab your back since you have not cared for their opinion.

When we talk about opinions we mean that others should accept it because we have poured a lot of hard work in order to understand that person. I truly believe that in today’s world, opinions are overrated because of the fact that people feel they have expertise in understanding the situation we are going through.

There will always be someone without knowing our life personally making a random opinion based on their past experience. Some people don’t even have experience and they totally depend on the gut feelings and make suggestions accordingly. It’s horrible, isn’t it?

But this will remain unchanged because of the fact that sensitive humans will fall trap. Some so called entitled experts charge hefty fees for their opinion. These are all scams and nothing else. But still the society will believe what’s trending. You shouldn’t hold on the society because ultimately you will be at loss. Remember.



Most of the businesses work on the basis of give and take policy. When we provide a product or service we expect money in return. The same doesn’t always apply with emotions. Sincerely speaking because there is no law and neither any proof that will give justice to your emotions. We all talk great about emotions which are positive but now we will get through some of its darkest side.

Though emotions exist but it doesn’t serve to the society unless it’s positive. You will get respect from the people only when you respect them. But what will happen that even after respecting people but they don’t give that respect back. What will happen when you try to do everything from your side but it doesn’t come back?

Of course you will feel tired but don’t worry because this is the problem of the society. Expectations rule our life especially when we are weak, lethargic and lazy. We depend on someone else to provide and fulfil our emotional needs. And such kind of attitude is the major setback and the main cause of unwanted stress.

This unwanted stress then slowly leads to depression. So what to do in such a case? You don’t have to do anything because convincing humans is the worst part of expectations. And first of all you shouldn’t expect anything from other people in exchange of emotions. That’s a straight fact.



Do you know that your lifeline can increase when you maintain a balance amount of exercise in your daily routine. Yes, we all know this but even after having knowledge we are not able to do it in reality. I don’t know how do people are able to sleep comfortable without workout. The fact is that this can lead to depression.

Just imagine you have become so fat that you are not able to move at all. You are alone and there is no one living with you. You have gained so much amount of weight that no one even likes to take care of your health. Body shaming is becoming popular nowadays. When someone tries to body shame, the environment will start warming up suddenly.

It’s wrong but at the same time gaining too much of weight is wrong. You might have control at the present but not in the future if it exceeds your limits. And that’s why a lot of people who have gained excess amount of fat suffer through depression a lot. This is because they are not able to exercise and relieve the physical stress.

The physical stress then turns into the emotional and mental stress leading to depression. We have total control of ourselves and our life but we ourselves need to take the whole and sole responsibility of it. There is no artificial solution to kill depression neither there are any methods since it needs to be cured naturally by having a clear thought process.

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