What Should You Do When You Are Confused



A human being is always confused because of the uncertainty of future. No one knows what will happen tomorrow and that’s why we remain confused of what to choose. The main fear of confusion that we can say is the fear of failure. Failures are called as stepping stone of success, but who will take the risk of being criticize by people. This is also a form of confusion.

We humans always need support from others, especially of those people who are close to us like our family members. But we forget that they too are confused in their life. The problem is that none of us can predict the future since anything can happen. It’s similar to a stock market. You can earn profits if you are lucky enough and at the same time you can lose all of those profits and turn it into losses.

But at the same time you can limit your losses by proper management. You don’t need to depend on luck because it’s an external factor that’s affecting your results. No one can be lucky all the time. It can happen once or twice. So the major work you have to do is brushing up your decision making skills.

It’s not easy but it doesn’t mean you can take decisions casually. It requires effort from your end. No one is that capable to perfect decision but by understanding the work one can at least pass through the process. Confusion doesn’t take place by itself. It’s we who create it by messing up everything.



So first of all you need to be clear with your purpose. Purpose means what you want to do. Majority of humans remain confused because they are never clear of their purpose. Before even thinking further, first decide want you want to do. Sometimes what happens is that we think too much when we get to know about certain problems beforehand which can take if we take further steps into it.

And that’s why we are not able to decide. See, there are problems everywhere. You will never get a particular field where you can earn without hard work. And that’s why one has to take risks. Actually this can never be called as risk because each one of us is playing this game. Someone might be weak while others can be strong, it totally depends on you.

And that’s why you need to identify your purpose first. This can be done by experimentation. You might have heard about simulator where one can experience similar situation through a setup of equipment. Like one can fly an aeroplane through a simulator without actually doing it in reality.

It’s a modern invention to find solution of ones capabilities. Such simulators exist everywhere now. We have to experiment with things. Don’t think about the outcome unless you decide to do so. Therefore don’t let others decide your fate and never make yourself confused in the last moment.

Negative Outcome


Once you identify your purpose, it doesn’t mean you will give up and take everything casually. Outcome of the result depends on your hard work and the way you push your limits. And that’s why execution matters more than just planning. If you don’t execute and overthink about the future, then the outcome will surely turn into negative.

It’s that simple because if you take steps and act then only things can work. They won’t work by themselves or expect that someone will help you in accomplishing further tasks. Some people plan so much that they forget to take actions. And yes these people also get entitled to failures because they are unable to execute their plans.

One important thought you should also keep in mind is that irrespective of the outcome you will have to work. Don’t think negative if you have decided to put your efforts and time into it. If you do so then those doubts too will turn true. Always wait for the result because you can’t judge yourself. And when the results arrive think positive. No matter even if results are negative, if you keep that mindset of learning then it won’t affect you much.



What we humans do is totally opposite, we first believe in output and if it becomes successful then we think about our input. You are not playing a lottery where one has to think about the probability of winning. It’s not a do or die game. If you invest your work and time smartly, you will get some results.

It’s not that you will lose everything. Yes, there are chances of failures but we can make out our mistakes. While in case of lottery no one knows what will happen. It’s like putting a small amount of money and you have to wait for complete failure or success. And as we all know that there are only few tickets which can make you win.

The probability of winning totally depends on your luck. That’s what can be said. Here too if you see then people buy tickets just because they know the output can multiply several times. If you can win millions through few bucks then why won’t you spend them?

But at the same time if you see then no matter whatever inputs you give, your output will remain the same. The time you are investing in shouldn’t be a lucky draw. Remember you have to invest yourself in something which is based on inputs. Don’t think about the output all the time because you need to avoid unwanted expectations.

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