What To Do If You Are Not Respected At Work


It’s a common problem. Everyone loves to see the salary package, being respected and the amount of income generated through paychecks. But no one observes the taxes, deductions and many other small things which gradually become major in the future. How do you feel when you hear that someone is a CEO of a big organization like Google, Microsoft, Tesla? Yes, the word CEO feels like great but remember that even CEO of a large organization cannot be its owner.

He/she might own some percentage or stake in the company but the reality is something else. Being a part of an organization is amazing but people get attached to them. They stick to it because they feel they will get respected and soon become rich. There’s a lot of confusion among people about owning certain number of shares and owning the entire organization.

They don’t even know what are shares and stake. Who is the owner of Facebook? Everyone will say Mark Zuckerberg. They will tell his history. How he founded it and so many good things. But do you think Mark is really the 100% owner of the entire organization? This is what we called as misconceptions and such beliefs revolve everywhere? Since he owns majority of shares, people call him as the owner.

Even if you know this but there will still be some people who will never know the difference. What makes him famous is that his name is listed in richest people around the world. There is no difference. There are millions of organizations around the world but their CEO’s are never heard since the company might not able to attract audience.

And yes we can see them tiny in the competition with the big names. So whom will you give the most amount of respect? Who will you think about while joining an organizations as an employee? What if you get a chance? It’s not easy and even if you get a chance there is no guarantee that your seniors will respect you for the same. The reality is we all are in a competition.

Competition to settle at the topmost position. Being treated with respect whatever organization might be but it is still very much doubtful. The tendency of human being to compete can never be changed and no matter the class, age, if a person is shaped with supreme vales then, he or she will use it for benefits. You might be thinking it’s wrong but every organizations has certain set of rules.

Such rules are implemented from its foundation in order to control any losses. The problem is not with your work. The problem is with the unrealistic expectations of humans inside the organization. If you don’t meet up their expectations, then they will torture for the same. What we don’t know is that they have to do it or else their boss’s senior will trouble him/her for not completing the task as per their expectations.

Love Your Job


This is one of the most important topic you will be learning today because this is applicable for any organization you are working in. This fact won’t change no matter how much we improve ourselves, our thoughts or even the technology. As explained before that every organization is formed with set of rules and policies.

You need to oblige them or else you will be kicked out. There is nothing in between. Many people have this misconception that the organization will serve our passion, it will treat us better, but no it is not true at all. None of the organization does that because its role is to complete its objective.

When you are working for any organization, the first thing you need to keep in mind is that you will be disrespected. It’s a truth, since you are in need of something. Humans have created this trap because they know where to attack. They know where the other one is suffering. More than four decades ago, the population was less as compared to what current analysis.

What we can say is that the term organization wasn’t much known to majority of population. It’s because the world was developing slowly. And because of this the competition was negatively impacted. People hardly knew about it and what to do further. But now, everything has turned upside down. We have tough competition everywhere.

Everything is packed, the senior management is dominating because they don’t want to leave the organization and they want to enjoy their supreme powers. And let me tell you that this fact will remain unchanged forever. It’s a human behaviour which is creating such unhealthy environment and yet we feel that why we are not respected at our workplace.

You won’t be because everyone is suffering through this problem. Yeah, it’s true that one has to face a lot of struggles, pain, in order to get promotion but you still have to abide the rules of your organization. No matter wherever you are, even if you become a senior manager but still there will be someone above you.

Or we can also say that there will be other sections pressurising when you have made mistakes. So will you still love your organization? People don’t know this difference and they fall in love with their organization and not their passion. Organization doesn’t serve your passion, it only deals with money and credits. There’s nothing more than that. So never try to get attached over an organization.



Most of the people wait for others to invest in them. Like a job person will always focus on promotion and to break every level in order to get well-settled. What such people are doing is that they wait for the senior person to get kicked out from the position and then it becomes a nice opportunity and in turn, they feel that they will get huge amount of respect.

Unfortunately it never happens. Or you can also say that it happens only for a temporary period of time and then they get again messed up by their next seniors. You might be thinking what to do in such a case. But as explained above that this truth will never change no matter how much calm, patient, kind you are. Someone will play cheap tricks in order to make you a trap and then you will again get entangled in the blame game.

That’s why in order to gain respect, you need to deviate from this direction. Start your own business or invest your time and money in something which you are passionate about.  Create your portfolio because when you work for someone you will have to face their rejections. That’s the truth.

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