What To Do When You Are Lost In Life


There will always be a phase in everyone’s life that can make them feel low and lost. Take example of the pandemic which was a major point of frustration because we found ourselves locked inside our homes. This pandemic was not only a problem but it was seen as major issue for poor mental health. Most of us might had been suffering through frequent headaches, lack of sleep, mental disturbance and even trauma.

And such problems will be occurring even in the future as you know the way we are misusing the data and information for unhealthy purpose. No one is going to be rich forever because that forever is limited till we are alive and once we die there will be nothing left. People feel lost in lives because there is someone else who is creating trouble for them.

The best kind of example we can compare is with a competition. Suppose there is a professional athlete who has been winning every race for almost a decade. And you who is passionate about sport especially running is not able to compete with the opponent. Whatever race might be he beats you in all of them. You still dream to become champion one day but because of that person you are not able to do so.

So that person will make you feel that you are nothing in front of him even if he hasn’t done it personally. Our mind start creating awful imaginations which also depletes our energy. And hence it will make you feel that you have completely lost in life. Common if that was the reason then everyone in this world would have given up because of their competitors.

This frustration what we think is only for a temporary period of time which means that someday you will feel filled with energy. Because of someone we might suffer but it’s our duty that we shouldn’t make it as a reason. Everyone wants to make their lives meaningful but what happens is that they have to disappoint someone in order to win for themselves.

You cannot be happy as well as sad at the same time. You might have heard about peak and valley season. In peak season a company generates a lot of revenue because of high demand which is totally opposite in valley season. At some point the sales can even become nil. So does this disappoints them or do they mourn over their failures?

They don’t and even in that valley season they try to make some strategies to increase their sales. Everything is possible but what we need to understand is that we cannot achieve success without going through failures.

We have to find that right time and condition to maximise our chances to achieve success. When we say we are lost in life it only means we are at that phase where nothing is working regardless the amount of hard work we are pouring into it.

self care


When nothing is working no matter how much we try people set an impression that this individual won’t make it at all. And that’s where they will start suggesting you and will also give you some shitty opinions. That’s a very unfortunate situation, isn’t it? But trust me that is where everyone will come up in your life to tell you that you shouldn’t move ahead and is no way to make career.

The problem is not with the people because they think it as their social responsibility. What you need to understand is that listening to someone in such phase is not good for your mental and emotional health. You will start getting annoyed and irritated unnecessarily with everyone. But as said before that this phase is only for temporary period.

You don’t have to worry about it because after this phase you will start experiencing happiness again. You will regain whatever energy you have lost during this phase because as per universal law that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It only changes from one form to another. This thinking of losing hopes is only your delusion.

And that is why you need to stop overthinking about what will happen in the future. Just think that so many of us who had been in such similar phase of life are living their dreams. What all you need to do is believe in yourself and your work because if it is truly appreciable then someone will find you out.

Remember that people are illiterate. They will talk shit in order to fulfil their social responsibility and in order to deviate you from your aim. So don’t give up on your dreams too easily on someone’s saying. Remember you are the owner of your dreams.

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