When You Should Leave Your Job


One of the most asked questions among young budding entrepreneurs who want to start their own business and want to leave their hectic job. Startups have been growing at very faster pace compared to what used to happen before. People are becoming aware of what startups are and that’s why they are getting attracted to this world.

It might sound good but in reality there are many things which people never know and a lot of times they go in deep depression and tension. The biggest challenge in startup world is to identify the right market fit. Without customers businesses won’t survive at all. No matter how good your product is people might never try your product.

Just like mobile phones and other kind of gadgets became popular but no one knew how much the first business had to go through to build the trust with their customers. It’s pretty very much easy to attract someone with a product which is already in-use but almost next to impossible to introduce a new concept in the market.

More than fifty percent of business fail because they don’t find the right market fit. They are unable to identify its potential customers and that’s why they keep struggling to make it through. The main problem with people is the patience. See a known food item like chicken burger will get more orders than an unknown food item.

A startup has to spend more amount of money in marketing their product or service. The reason behind is that no one else recognizes your concept other than you. So it becomes your responsibility to introduce your product or service to your customers. And it can only happen when you spend money and time on and other sources. So this is a major concern.

Motivational Quotes

Don’t Leave Your Job By Listening To Motivational Quotes

You might have listened to some motivational speeches or had joined a course where they tell you to quit your job and start following your passion. But in reality we all are following our passion. The only difference is that in a business we have to spend our money whereas in a job the company pays you for the work.

If you are thinking that by quitting your job you will get financial freedom then you are actually wrong. No one gets financial freedom by just following this formula. Trust me that those people who quit their jobs without any plans find themselves in a big trouble.

If you are quitting without having any financial backup then you will actually put yourself in a great danger. If a job is your only mean to survive then you shouldn’t take this decision impatiently. Of course you are under someone’s control when working for someone else’s company but at least it is fulfilling your most important need.

You need to also remember about your loved ones who are dependent on you for financial support. Without you they will become hopeless. If there’s a family who is dependent on you then you have to think about it again. Motivational quotes are there only to make you feel energetic and to feed you with enthusiasm to do your work but 90 percent of work needs to be done by you.

If you don’t know the reality about the business and randomly following some motivational advice then you are actually going on a wrong path. It’s a completely different story for someone who is already there in a business for years and need some kind of motivation in his/her life. Understand these two situations and then you won’t follow anything blindly.

Mentally and Financially

Leave Your Job When You Are Mentally And Financially Strong

When it comes to leaving a job one has to be mentally strong. Emotions are out of our control and when people step into building their business they never focus on this part. No one knows what will be working in the real world because there is uncertainty everywhere.

And when there is uncertainty one will have to face a lot of struggles. Finance will support you in terms of money and strong focus will support your mental power. To leave a job you need to at least have these two most important values. Or else handling a business will become more like a burden.

Therefore remember that in order to build a business you have to spend a lot of time finding yourself in the competition. Please don’t leave your job if you are already struggling to meet your needs. You need enough money not to start your business but to support yourself in the worst times.

So if you are ready to take risks in your life with all financial and mental support then only you should quit your job. Follow the plan more than acting with emotions. You won’t have regret even if you fail.

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