When You Should Quit The Game


Relax, I am not talking to quit playing any high graphic video game. This is a post related to a very important topic where relatively 99% of humans will fail. It can’t be controlled and we never know whether it will succeed or not. The only way you can realize the real shit is when you enter the game.

Here game means our field, career, job, or perfectly defining our need. If you are working for money or want to earn money through a field then you need to also understand its ongoing trend. Following the trend is not always worthy but if there’s a high demand for the job then you should think of entering in.

The best example you can take is that of influencers. The majority of influencers we see on social media create very much relevant content according to what their competitors are producing. And people are more influenced by the power of money than passionately driving themselves through it.

There’s a lot of content on social media platforms and many people across the platform itself love to enjoy these videos. And at the same, the time they get inspired to create similar content to grow their audience. Entertaining content is always widely shared and viewed among users because a lot of individuals love to watch it.

A person who follows the trend all the time and enters when the demand is high will never be able to succeed in life. We humans don’t have patience and everyone who are around us does the same. They follow the trend, once it’s over, they jump to the next one. The best example you can take are the NFT’s.

I just opened my social media and saw a number of posts that says teens are making millions of dollars selling NFT’s. Many people are thinking its shit while the ones who are trendy will put their best to create NFT’s if I am not wrong. This is not the end but there are some small and midsize companies also starting the business of creating NFT’s for their clients.

It might look scam for some but a majority of people will still follow the trend to make money and to earn popularity. Understand that this trend changes on a monthly to yearly basis. 90% percent of people from this trend followers never make a consistent amount of money or gain popularity because they keep on changing their fields.



Experiments are performed in laboratories in order to find the outcome and the results. Without proceeding and mixing the chemicals together, there won’t be any kind of reaction. Experimentation is the only way to find out what is working for you and what is not. And through this process, we are able to find out the solution.

A lot of people say experiment with your lives no matter how many struggles you go through. They think that experimenting with their lives is the only way to gain success. Though it is true but at some point of time, you will get to know yourself pretty very well. You will understand yourself better and therefore you will be able to make decisions in the right way.

Yet people don’t feel like working for a particular period of time. I mean that to become successful in a field you have to devote enough time to it. I personally feel that for any field you cannot succeed if you don’t devote yourself into it. Then it might be business, skill, position, etc. We cannot achieve greatness with a temporary mindset.

You might think of jumping over and over into different fields and choosing a job that best suits you. But your temporary mindset will kill you and you will get frustrated in the competition. This is the case for everyone who hasn’t achieved the purpose of their lives and are confused about what to choose.

Choose a topic that you like and it should drive your passion continuously. You have to work over it and should always choose to learn new things. You can only succeed if you put your efforts into understanding the process. But even after understanding that efforts and time are very much important requirements to grow our career yet there are people who ignore this all the time.

They ignore it continuously till they unsettle themselves and lose energy completely. A never-giving-up attitude won’t only help you in longer-term but also you will see yourself growing and learning over a period of time. Once you find something suitable, then you have to immerse yourself into it completely.



When you are passionate about something, you do it without having any problems. Even if there are problems, you will still love to do it. If you find yourself suffocating from within then of course you are not passionate about it. Sorry to say but that’s the truth. Once you find yourself uncomfortable with continuing further then that’s the moment you should quit.

A lot of people who are reading this will deny accepting this statement. See further down the line your health will deteriorate because of not accepting the truth you have got to know. You won’t feel enthusiastic and energetic anymore. You will risk your mental and emotional health from getting hurt.

Your energy is what matters at last. Try to experiment more and again find out what’s working for you. You have to explore yourself, your limitations and that’s how you will be able to live a successful life. And again don’t waste your time trying out everything. Dive deep into a particular subject as your career is based on it.

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