Where I Can Find Happiness


Do you ever ask this question to yourself? I know there are lot of people who are still trying to figure out that where the real happiness is. So what do you mean by being happy? Many people think that it’s a feeling of contentment or a short moment where we feel that we have achieved our success.

Achieving success is okay but just ask yourself that if you had achieved your success in some work then why you aren’t happy all the time. Okay let’s recollect that moment when you had achieved an award for winning a competition. That can be any kind of competition but you know you had worked a lot for it.

You knew that it was an end goal for that moment. Read the above sentence again. It was an end goal for that moment. It means that it was not the end goal of your life. It’s that easy to understand. Even if you had that mindset that it will be my end goal of life but how much amount of time you would have remained contented.

I know you want to seek respect and validation of being successful within the society but don’t you think that you will try to strive for getting the highest status in the society. Even if you don’t but you will do your best to at least create a good impression of yourself.

And this is where life becomes so complex and then this complexity rises where humans are unable to understand where the real happiness is. This was an explanation related to our career and work.

Now let’s try to understand that what happens in case of our relationships. Have you been married or committed to someone as a partner? If yes then you have definitely expected your partner to be great, loving, friendly, ambitious and blah blah.

But did this happen with utmost perfection? Was he/she perfect in every perspective? Similarly your partner had expectations of these values from you. The theory of expectation end us at nowhere. We continue on the same cycle. At first impression it gives us the utmost pleasure and afterwards we find it completely boring.

Expectations is the only reason we can never feel blessed of our beautiful life. Very few people are able to create a long term happy relationship because they keep nil expectations on their partner. Very few people find their careers as successful because they keep their greed limited to their needs.


We all know that food, shelter and clothing are the basic necessities of every human being. But now the term basic has moved to modern because we no more live in those old days and apart from these necessities we have added a lot of materialistic things into our life.

Like our smartphone, digital entertainment, internet, social media etc. We love to live with machines which can make our daily tasks easy. This has become a need of every human no matter from which background he/she is coming from. Though some of the listed things might not be available with people because of some financial issues but one day they will be going to make it.

Your needs have to keep growing because if you don’t then you won’t be able to walk with same pace along with other people. But at the same time you need to also understand that following too many opinions can make you feel frustrated.

A smartphone in today’s world is one of those things that has converted itself from luxury product to necessity. This is because if you don’t move with the reality then it will become absolutely impossible to achieve growth in the real world. Similarly the smartphone helps in achieving several different tasks that are thought to be unachievable

A greed is an unworthy value that most of the people never realise throughout their life. The realisation takes place when it’s time to suffer through some serious consequences. Remember that a need becomes a greed when we pass a certain limit where it actually becomes harmful for our overall health.

So coming towards the main topic that happiness is a need and that can only be achieved if we don’t seek validation from anyone or chase behind topmost statuses. Happiness should never turn into greediness because at the end you will have to suffer through serious consequences.

You cannot find happiness anywhere except within yourself. It doesn’t have any measurable value because at last it all depends on how you perceive. Therefore you should never try to force happiness into your life. It should be felt as your own freedom. It has to come straight from your heart. That is when you will stop finding happiness everywhere.

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