Why Do Humans Make Life So Complicated


It’s one of the most interesting topic because this question not only deals with complicated life but even development and growth is dependent on it. Firstly we will see what is simple living.

What Is Simple Living

Simple living encompasses a number of different voluntary practices to simplify one’s lifestyle. This is the ideal meaning of simple living. In other words it means avoiding any kind of luxury or complicated relationships that can lead to an entitlement.

It means we shouldn’t buy something for namesake or trying to showcase one’s richness. Many people now don’t understand the importance of simple living because we are living in the 21st century. I know that you can’t be that sage or monk who can live life without any kind of materialistic things.

Actually this period we are living in cannot avoid complicated living i.e. a life without luxury. In case of poor and below poverty line population it is totally different situation since they cannot afford it. But if they start living in that environment then slowly and gradually they too will start adapting it. Calm down, because that’s natural as humans are always leading their lives to find that comfort zone.

Many people get confused between luxury living and simple living because of a very common difference. Though simple living refrains luxury but in a limited way. In simple terms we need to be satisfied with what we have. Suppose a person has a nice home, relationships and equally balanced life.

Then it’s important to be satisfied within that boundary. Because if you give more importance towards something then there is always that something which lowers down from our life.

For example if you give more focus towards increasing your materialistic living then there might be decrease in personal relationships with everyone around. Because when we are doing something we totally concentrate on that particular work.

Just like on a job where we focus more on it in order to earn that promotion or extra income but we don’t realize that we are taking that precious amount of quality time which is required to spend with our family and other relationships.

This is the violation of simple living because simple living always focuses on stability and that stability can only come when you think in equal perspective. And that’s the main problem we are suffering through, in this period of constant struggle and competition.

Humans don’t want to make their life complicated but these situations force them to take those steps because they are always working to fulfill their wants and goals. There are several reasons behind this.

1. The Hunger Or Greed

It’s been one of the first element in every individual’s life that the greed or the hunger can make things more complex. Let’s take example of money. Who doesn’t love money? Since it fulfills our every want money is must and that’s why everyone is running behind it.

But what should be the quantity which must be collected in order to fulfill our needs? Is there any exact measurement or the digit that we are aiming for? What if that digit is fulfilled will you aim for more? Okay, so you might keep calm but this hunger or greed will never going to end till life time.

I am pretty damn sure you all have been going through the similar situation. Human wants are unlimited and this was the main statement that fixed in my mind from my childhood itself.

Complexity increases when some materialistic value increases in our life. And that’s true for anything because a human can accommodate it in any manner. That value can never be measured because it goes on increasing. It increases and reaches infinity because that’s the simple mentality of a human being.

Even in love we sometimes measure it as less because of the dissatisfaction. We will never say he or she loves me more but we will always think it as less. Though more amount of love doesn’t increases complexity until it gets through a breakup phase.

Values don’t increase complexity but improves or degrades your personality. Most of the people have this common misconception that love makes life complex since breakup hurts the most. But no it depends upon how you treat or feel that love. Actually when you love people, you become free to share it with others. That is why it is said that spread love all around no matter how cruel people are.

2. Trying To Indulge In Personal Matters

Many times we try to peek in other’s life, what is happening and what they are doing. Isn’t it? Yes and extroverts who think they will solve someone’s problem make it more complex. Most of us might have gone through this situation where a person who is suffering through a problem and you can see it from their face especially our close friends, family member or a colleague.

So most of the colleagues or friends will share their complicated problems with each other to solve their own problem, but at last it just never get solved. It’s because of personal indulgence. We think that involving in someone’s matter will help them to find out some or other solution and it turns opposite. It is because a person suffering through that problem knows better than an unknown or a friend trying to get involved.

Because of this the problems doesn’t get solved but instead it grows and develops which also increase the complexity. A person knows himself better because they have experienced that body and mind. They know what happens to their body when they do that or you can also say that a person can feel his body lot more than his friends.

Personal matters are the problems that take place in the mind. That is when a person is not feeling well and when something goes wrong with their life. It’s important to let such people spend their time with themselves in order to solve that problem instead of involving yourself. That personal time is important. Remember.

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