Why do people mock others


Mockery, a word which is used commonly in our society when there’s opposition to a certain thought or the behaviour of a person. It was most used in 19th century because many people believed in following a traditional route rather than taking decisions by oneself.

Everyone followed the herd because they were afraid of the mockery from the society. Imagine you are alone on a route and thousands of people are running over to kill you. The same feeling was created during that time because the society was controlled by powerful of beliefs and myths.

So most of the unique people wasted their life in doing the same thing. Even if they had talents but it was of no use. As time passed by, the psychology of the human beings slowly and gradually got evolved. And some of them tried to break the barriers of the unworthy thinking.

The newer generation tried to rethink and dumped the beliefs of their parents and ancestors. And as the human made progress into the modern culture a lot of people got inspired and followed their own way to make career and improve the thought process.

And in this way a lot of humans joined the process and developed themselves for creating a better future. So before taking this further just ask yourself who were those humans who mocked others for not following the tradition? Have you ever felt same at your home with your parents?

This is a fact because the future generation is evolving and as it will pass by, your mindset will be called traditional during that time. Your parents might not support your ideas because they firmly believe in what they have followed. And that is why there’s always an opposition over our thoughts no matter how great they are.

You can take example of the Non fungible tokens (NFT’s). Though it was introduced a long time ago but many people opposed the idea and there was no interest shown by anyone. But in these recent years words like blockchain, NFT’s, cryptocurrency has been increasing popularity because people are accepting it now.

The mindset of the newer generation has changed and it is deviating towards this technology. Similarly when our parents were the newer generation of that time, they too had opposed a lot of ideas which were supported by their parents. The word mockery gained attention because of this undeveloped mindset of the older generation.

Since the younger people made their own decisions and dumped the beliefs of their tradition, the society used to mock at them. Moving further this won’t stop here because when you will grow old, in your sixties and seventies you will witness the same type of behaviour in yourself. Still it’s unpredictable because it might even happen within few years as we are changing ourselves at greater pace.


Accepting the change is the only way we can end mocking on others. I firmly believe that without acceptance straight from your mind and heart you won’t ever keep calm. You will love to join the crowd which is in opposition. No matter how educated and well-mannered you are, you will still be sick with your mentality.

And majority of people hold on their mindset and after that they realise they can never control anyone. So this phase is what we call as underdevelopment. The development takes place when they realise that they were wrong for such long period of time.

Slowly as the people start accepting the idea, there’s no reason for opposition. The only reason we mock at people’s decision is because of our immaturity. Humans at every phase of life are immature. Imagine the time when you said something to someone about their present condition but then they just grew their potential to extremes.

So that was also perceived as a kind of mockery to the person who has now done extremely well with his/her life. We find so many people and even ourselves making the same mistake of demotivating others with our toxic words and then they bloom out better than us.

It’s a very humble request to whoever reading this post that from this time onwards you won’t show off yourself as a dominant person over someone or deceive anyone in wrong way. You have to respect every person’s personal boundaries and their decisions.

Even if you are not able to show respect but please don’t push anyone’s moral down. No matter how tough their career, relationship or life is they will learn by themselves. Your maturity will be seen by how you treat others just like a kind king treats his people. So accept what other people want to do with their life. Remember you neither owe anyone nor you owe yourself.

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