Why Do We Make Mistakes


Have you met anyone in your life who is perfect flawless and just amazing? Have you ever seen that accuracy or perfection that made you feel great? So here some people might say that yes they have seen rare people who never make mistakes and there will be so many answer that will say no, they haven’t seen anyone flawless.

Of course everyone has a different opinion about someone but we will understand this by taking an example. We all have gone through schools and colleges or even universities. You might have come across certain students or your colleagues who might be very intelligent in their studies. There might be certain category of students also called as toppers in your school days that were completely flawless in everyone’s vision. Isn’t it?

And yes even when I was young child I experienced the same thing. I was basically an average student and not any kind of topper. There has been a lot of controversies about students who are toppers are most importantly very kind towards teachers and principals. Yes, I have been in that similar situation where these toppers are jealous and keep a kind of ego or a boundary between the average students.

Average students feel like these toppers are shit and that’s the truth. Honestly and very rarely I have seen students who don’t remain jealous about their position and feel equal. They enjoy with other students equally and that is because of their values they have been shaped in that manner. I sometimes feel pity for those toppers who feel like their life will become complete with those great marks.

Most of them end up being fired from their dick head bosses or else playing hide and seek with them. That’s what the reality is! You know what the biggest mistake in our life. It is expecting perfection all the time. That expectation which we can never complete and chasing it can be too much troubling.

It is always said that stop chasing expectations and work for the results but we totally do the opposite. Those toppers of that school or college might look perfect in your vision but if you start spending time with them then you will get to know that how many flaws they are having. The greatest mistakes we do is focusing on the external parts of a person.

We don’t understand the power of deep observation and we get to know only when we truly experience it. That mistake can cause a great trouble because generally people don’t realize and when they do then almost they come close to the end.

We need to understand that there is no word flawless that truly exist in reality because everyone is built up with certain kind of imperfection. Most of the people often get confused that even the robots or machines don’t make mistakes but why do we.

So for them generally the straightforward formula is emotions. When there are emotions then creating mistakes are must. If you have observed a machine then it will only be controlled by the amount of information it is fed with. Or it will be controlled by the algorithm and mathematical calculations. If robots had emotions then they too could make mistakes. That’s why emotions play a very important role in your focus.

It is like lesser the unworthy emotions more will be the concentration over your work. Basically robot or machine is guided with a set of information and that’s why it becomes so easy to work.

We are always told from our childhood that to not fall in love or make unwanted desire of fulfilling that need which our body wants. And yes we make that mistake and in turn it results to unusual circumstances or can lead to mistakes. Because during that young phase where our body evolves constantly that emotional need also increases.

We don’t realize how to cope up with that and that’s why we fall into that unwanted trap that is now leading to so many exes and breakups. I am pretty damn sure it has happened with you or your colleagues. Just look around and you will find them at that phase. And now the most important point to understand is that why do we actually make mistakes.

If you think in the robot point of view then you know that it is triggered by the information or that so called algorithm and it performs that function. But what is that something which differentiates humans and robots? Suppose you come across a topic that you never ever studied and that pops up in examination. You will go blank, right?

And if the robot is not fed by that information then no matter what happens, it won’t be able to perform that required actions. Similarly we play with our life. During every stage i.e. from that childhood to teenage and from teenage to adulthood we are constantly developing which means we are not given that exposure of how life works.

Because if we are given that exposure in advance then there is no reason to live that life. Exposure in today’s world has become a problem because some people don’t understand what is wrong and what is right. And surely we realize that after each and every phase.

So before that we need to rectify our mistakes and observe how to improve them. Some people never do that and that phase passes away. And when we turn in our sixty’s we slowly start realizing the truth. But that time never arrives again.

There will be people who will always tease you for doing mistakes and there will be few of them who will correct you in every possible manner. We are living in that period where competition is being increased day by day. People are competing with each other and trying to pull others down.

We are in that race where perfection matters and there is no space for making mistakes. But even in this you need to focus on yourself. Remember you need to become the best version of yourself.

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