Why Must You Have Specific Goals

Specific Goals

When we were learning child, we thought of becoming an astronaut, singer, comedian, film star, author and everything at the same time. Everyone loves to dream, to set goals but very few are able to succeed. And this is the point which will decide your future worth. We dream of so many things that we hardly manage to think about a particular thought.

Yes, it happens with everyone because we think and observe the amount of fame and money being paid to those people. It’s absolutely great but that doesn’t mean, it’s easy to complete dreams. The primary point starts from the way we think. Though childhood might seemed to be immature but that continues to grow till adulthood and then people start thinking of achieving while growing old.

There are some people who become successful at that stage of life but not all of them. It all starts from the thought process. Even after being an adult, the brain thinks the way children dream. Having multiple options, people keep moving from one option to another one, without having any proper sense of knowledge or getting familiar with the facts.

The problem is not with the people, it’s with our mindset because even after achieving physical growth, our mind still thinks of achieving everything in life. Some people like to become both doctor as well as engineer. Some people want two and three jobs at the same time in order to fulfil the need of more amount of money.

But that’s not possible. It might be possible for some but not all of us because we all are not the same. A person who can manage only one business might not be able to manage six businesses. And that is why we need to focus on the least possible goals and work. The main issue with us as humans is that since we are not able to cope up with the competition, we split ourselves. Not physically but mentally and emotionally.

What will happen if you distribute a single source of energy to multiple streams at a time? Of course it will deplete and if it is consuming time then you will lose your hopes. This happens also in the part of love and relationships. Take example of husband and wife relationship. If a husband keeps multiple affairs even after being married, then think about what will happen to his wife?

In the similar manner, we can never remain happy by thinking of multiple random thoughts at a time. It is a matter to understand that when we are distributing our energies to multiple sources, it will deplete very easily. This is because we are new to that work. We don’t have any experience and think of achieving something in a single shot.

If that was possible then the success rate would have been increased to maximum. Distribution will never work as a first timer. It can become tedious to focus on lot of things and someday in frustration we might give up. A lot of people fail just because they invest their time and mind in different streams.

See, we are humans and if you feel yourself as a weak and sensitive person then you need to focus on one thing at a time. There is no formula to stick with multiple streams.



So you might be thinking that who are those people, who have such abilities to multitask, manage multiple passions at a time, having multiple businesses. I know you might be thinking of this for a longer period of time. But in reality this question can only be answered once you experience it. This is because a good amount of experience helps an individual to tackle problems.

Problems such as lack of patience and persistence arises when we don’t have good amount of experience. When we don’t have good amount of experience, of course we will think that what will happen tomorrow. Will the future be bright or not? Some people ask questions to other experienced professionals who had dealt with the similar problem.

They might give answer according to what they had felt. Remember, it won’t always be same to what you are suffering through. Everyone has different point of view and we can never specifically explain that why those problems are arising on our way. Experience is gold even when there is tough competition.

Just take example of boxing. Compare the moves between an amateur boxer and an expert who has lot of experience in the field. An expert can figure out those moves and tackle the problem at that time itself. On the other hand, the amateur boxer might had worked hard and struggled a lot. But he won’t be able to match with the professional until he himself seeks a definite amount of experience in that field.

A person who has a definite amount of experience also had struggles just like what a trainee goes through. Remember that one day everyone has to start from scratch. Then that can be a son from a well-known family or an individual from a middle class family. There is nothing called as overnight success. It happens rarely. You need to always remember.

Dream Big


Having too many goals can become frustrating as we lose our energy we all know, but having a specific goal in life can really be amazing. And the most important part is striving for the same. Without working you won’t be promoted and without promotion you have to be satisfied with what you are doing.

Limiting goals doesn’t mean limiting its size. This is the most common confusion because these two are completely different. Dreaming big means aiming for the highest while working from the lowest. And the highest never ends because as we go on its capacity goes on increasing.

Just take example of Zara Company and compare it with a medium size company. We all know that Zara is one of the leading brands and that is why opportunities too are enormous comparing it with other companies. Similarly while making decisions we must be focused on dreaming big. But we need to have specific goals on mind. Always remember.

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