Why Should One Be Prepared For The Worst


What if I tell you that tomorrow you will be hit by a speeding truck. What if I tell you that you will lose one of your close relationship in a worst accident. It might sound odd and can be unacceptable for you but the truth is that no one knows what will happen tomorrow. No one is going to tell you that a robbery is going to take place at your home.

Remember that these are not natural disasters. All of them are created by human beings themselves. So if you think that you will not face such situations then you are actually wrong. Humans are always unstable because there’s so much uncertainty taking place in their life as they take bigger risks. So when there’s risk associated the chances of failing becomes more.

It’s not about failing but putting our lives into danger. You might be following your regular routine like going on your job or school, doing some fun activities in free time, enjoying with family. This looks pretty comfortable for you but it might not be same for the one who earns on a daily wage. Their lifestyle is completely different than what you are living.

Now take a situation. Suppose you have been trapped in a case where you are going to become completely bankrupt and all of your assets will be seized. Now imagine how your life would be since you don’t have a home to live, enough money to feed. You might simply answer that your job can provide you to survive.

But what if you also lose your job just like that happened in starting of the pandemic. Do you have answer for this question? Will you sit around waiting for handsome job to kick in or just grab whatever comes to you? This question is pretty straightforward but the human mind doesn’t work at all in such situations.

It might sound weird but yes it is very much true. The human mind doesn’t work in these situations because people don’t think about it. When they live a luxurious and wealthy lifestyle, they only try to enjoy that current period. Yes, it’s important to enjoy every moment but what’s more important is preparing for future.

You need to tell yourself that this current scenario might not last forever. You have to also observe those people who are living in poor conditions because once you experience it you will be prepared for the same. A burglary or any other crime might not become a personal experience but you can take precautions by watching videos.

There are so many footages floating around social media. And all of them are very much useful because it can help you to warm up your mind. So that even if such situation occurs you will act immediately. There are even some practical sessions happening nowadays. So if you become part of it you will be at much safer side compared to the other people.



People who top the exams at their university level fail in their practical sessions. Academics is far different from what you will be learning in your practical sessions. Trust me that academics is far different from the reality because it only explains the outer aspects. Whereas a practical onsite explanation will give you a whole lot of experience in those things.

You will get to explore more so that you can act to different situations accordingly. A theoretical exam only judges what you have read. It doesn’t compare any of your skills at all. A person who only knows how to top exams will always be confused in threatening situations.

A trained professional can handle such situations in the best possible way compared to the topper who has topped the exams. So you can definitely say that what matters more in life is the practical knowledge gained. Theoretical knowledge won’t let you know the in-depth reality.

That’s where a lot of us struggle because we are so much busy giving different theoretical examinations that we don’t actually think about worst disasters. Just like you prepare for such examinations, you have to also prepare for worst situations. This can also be a part of your job, where dangers are all over.

We have to follow the reality. There’s nothing greater than the actual facts because that’s where you will be working. You will have to push yourself away from the dreamy world and accept the practical perspective of life. There are lot of things to learn. Life can be at greater risk if you don’t prepare for the worst. Preparation will safeguard you and your life from all the possible dangers. At last what matters the most is the security of our life and also the people around us.

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