Why Should we be kind to ourselves



Violence is being a value that every human taking birth is embed with. From the mother’s womb, parents teach their children to act according to the nature of people. When one person acts rude, the other one is triggered with the similar kind of emotion and acts accordingly. Since everyone is acting in the same manner, people are being cautious before stepping into the unwanted situations. They start taking doubts or think millions of times, when there is matter involved with money and relationships. People are taking extra precautions because they know the world will treat cruel, and so they pass it to their future generation.

The problem is not with the people but it is with our mentality when we see others being cheated in a brutal way. Physically a person might seem to be okay but when it comes to our thinking then thousands of evil thoughts will start flowing from our mind.

And that is why not only a specific state or country but the entire world is suffering through depression and mental torture. It is so important to note down that no matter how much intelligent or rich we might be but our mentality can still be called as poor. When we meet someone for the first time, the physical relation seems to be okay but when it comes to the matter of our emotions, then they start controlling our mind.

It is not the mind which plays evil roles, but it is our hurtful values which turn out into terrible and awful emotion. Relationships with people hardly remain intact for a longer period of time because we feel uneasy afterwards. The feeling we get deteriorates with time and then we regret of spending too much amount of time with them.

Those efforts start counting negative and then we all know the common human tendency of trying to forget the unforgettable. It happens especially with emotionally sensitive people who think others are too much imperative. But they never think about their values which they are shaped with. We treat other according to the way we were treated by someone.

If you take example of a husband-wife relationship, then there are almost hundred percent chances of complaints about lack of emotional and mental satisfaction. We educate our mind but never try to feed same in our hearts. In today’s world there is hardly any value for educational certificates because of its excess supply.

There is more amount of supply and very less demand. And it is also happening with personal relationships. We are seeing it in numbers and after its use is over, we dump them because for us there are thousands of unknown people to meet. Though this might look good or pleasurable but it has downside on the other end.

Just like what is happening with husband and wife kind of relationship. And that is why these methods are giving rise to cheating. When there is more amount of cheating, the trust will surely get decreased and we start treating people according to the way they treated us.

This is happening in reality and our hurtful emotions are the main reason for it. The chain is not stopping because we think of completing tit for tat and seeking the feeling of contentment.



You know after multiple rejections, we blame ourselves or the creator for not giving enough intelligence or blessing of talents and skills. Yes, we blame the creator for creating such a weak structure. This happens when we see others moving forward and flourishing in their field. This gives rise to jealousy and ultimately we take this shit at a very personal level.

Even if someone might be blessed with talents but that doesn’t mean you don’t have anything. Actually the main problem is that we treat ourselves with such kind of toxic emotions that we reflect it on other’s lives. We think of equalising that hurt with other people.

We might have heard that it is important to share sorrows with someone who can make us feel good. But this idea has now changed into emotional pain. And we never share sorrow instead we throw all of our pain on someone in order to feel better. The current trend is not distributing pain but instead killing others or our personal relationships with pain in order to get a temporary relief.

This is a kind of mindset people are evolving. Firstly, we fill ourselves with toxic emotions. And when we are not able to handle them, we thrash them on someone who is weak. We take advantage of someone’s weakness just to get relief from our emotional pain. But trust me, no one has actually got permanent relief through this process because the mental health still remains the same.

We might point out on someone but rest of the fingers will blame us for that stupidity. This human ideology works in that matter and we are forced to do because of our thoughts. There is no one involved in such thinking other than our values. If we are not able to change ourselves then this chain will continue to grow.

People will start acting according to their broken and cheap thoughts. And even the introverts and silent ones will start turning violent. Being kind to ourselves is important because unless we are not kind to ourselves, then how can we be kind to others. Just like changes takes place from internal to external, we will be able to treat others with kindness only if we treat ourselves well.

This idea should always be fixed in your mind. Even if such situations haven’t yet struck into your life, it may happen in the near future. We never know how and what can happen. But what can you do is simple and achievable. You only have to practise kindness.

Yes! Firstly you need to practise kindness. You need to avoid being too much rough over yourself, especially with your emotions. Our negative emotions are the only reason to treat others in this manner. You need to avoid them.

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