Why Should We Forgive Those Who Hurt Us


It’s so terrible feeling when you are so much hurt but you cannot share it with anyone. I know that how it feels being so close to someone but yet we cannot find place even in the corner of their heart. We feel miserable after they ignore us in the public.

The ones who are married and had already shared their emotions with each other come to the point of divorce. That point where we are so connected to them that no matter how much we cry that relationship breaks apart with those documents. And then the future looks like, “No please that was my love. I can’t stay without her.”

Then that person feels his or her life is ended, everything is gone. Slowly and steadily we start feeling complete darkness all around. Even if there is some light we just sit there silent thinking about what happened at that time. Why did it happened in that manner? And then after so much of thinking slowly the mind starts feeding negative thoughts.

What if they never ever come back? And then we start falling into depression and emotional attachments. Then we start creating some random emotional stories and some shitty thoughts that give us butterflies in the stomach.

And that’s how we end our life like a shit. Right? Yeah that’s the truth, we actually can’t deny how many problems we have in our life and then we fall for such nonsense. If you took birth to live here then what’s the meaning of this living? If you know what I mean is that we will find some or other problems on our path and we can’t deny it. We need to understand that this life is all about solving problems and not mourning over the past.

Most of the people think that they are hurt when they are actually not as their emotions play in that manner. These emotions are situational based and we feel that our day is ruined by that situation. Let’s take example, suppose you are on a date with a guy or a girl depending on your gender and you both decide to go for a movie.

So when you are on movie your guy or girl is busy in playing games or chatting with bestie. A small reminder that the movie is very romantic which is best for couples. And you are the one who wants that date to be perfect with no disturbance as you both are spending quality time together.

There is no such day in your life where you get such a chance and you want to have that nice cuddle as there are various emotional scenes. But everything happens in opposite manner. Your partner is neither interested in you nor in the movie. You’re ignored and when nothing happens in your manner, you get enraged. You feel like breaking up with him or her and just after the end of the movie you both start fighting with each other.

So that is the situation where your emotions are hurt and you start inculcating negative thoughts in your mind. Most of the people take it too deep because they feel like they have loved someone so much that they cross their limits. I have seen people thinking about the same thought of breaking up multiple times.

While pooping in the toilet or while having a hot shower, they break down alone because they think that what they did was wrong or that person shouldn’t have played with their feelings.

I Will Love You Only If You Love Me


It happens many times and you know what this is because of your expectations. Expectations in a relationships are brutal and it can ruin the bond. Expecting something means wanting your thoughts to work accordingly and perfectly, so of course it doesn’t happen in that manner and that’s why relationships end up as toxic. If you want to truly experience freedom then don’t trap yourself in that unworthy value of expectation.

Sometimes it happens that we expect so many things from someone that makes us feel heavy or burden. I mean why do we do that? Do you want to achieve perfection in your partner? Are you in that illusion that your partner should be flawless? If you feel that then let me tell you that you shouldn’t. Because this is the main reason that you are letting yourself hurt.

We want someone to be like our thoughts and when our expectations doesn’t meet our need, we fail to digest that truth. So first of all accept how others are.


The day you accept people and their values from that time you will start feeling changes in yourself. Most of the people struggle because they don’t accept the reality. No matter how good a human being is there will be some or other mistake he or she will be doing and you need to accept. Because the point here is that we make mistakes.

It might be your partner, mother, father, brother or your friends, if you accept people for who they are then that will be the best day of your life. We have only one problem which we suffer a lot and when we don’t accept people, we try to find happiness in something else. Eventually we end up being fool and happiness finders.

Expectations is directly connected with our acceptance. When we don’t expect that the person should do this or that for me then we are blessed with acceptance. It’s a simple formula that no expectation leads to complete acceptance. There are so many breakups, divorces happening around not only in specific are but throughout the world is because of no acceptance.

As we grow there are hormonal changes happening in our body and at the same time, there are also some changes which are happening externally. So when we see that person before and after few months or even year again, we might observe changes in them. Yes physical changes are sure but even the behavioral changes take place.

So you cannot deny that behavior of person has changed a lot. One of the most successful relationships work because they accept each other. And that is why while living this life, we need to also take care of the reality.



As I have said earlier that you need to accept how people are and that gives rise to forgiveness. It’s one of the most sensational topic nowadays. So many complaints, hurt and problems we are feeding ourselves with that there is no space for forgiveness. We always complain that the person has used wrong actions against me and it also hurt our feelings or emotions.

Actions often lead to success or failure and when someone does it on us, we entitle them as enemy or a friend. People act and react and this is common because that is how we are living this life. But sometimes we negatively react on someone that it hurts them a lot. We carry negative emotions about them and they carry negative feelings about us. It basically leads to conflicts and those breakups and divorces.

Forgiveness is one of the special key of unlocking happiness because rarely people are able to do it. When we carry hatred and that past hurt about others, it consumes our energy internally and at the same time it is also not good for our health. So during such a time forgiving that person can be soothing and peaceful for your mind.

Forgiveness helps you to build kind of beautiful relationship with others. When someone cheats on us, we often feel angry or enraged, but in that cheating we lose our energy and we waste our crucial time a lot. So the best way to accept people and stop any kind of expectation is forgiving them. It’s also disconnecting them spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. The only comfort we can get is to forget that incident which happened with us.

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