Why Should We Respect Manual Labourers

Manual Labourers

We see those labourers lifting heavy bricks, making Plaster Of Paris in the dusty and hot humid climate, where sun overheard constantly sucks the fluid lying inside their body. It feels terrible and the intensity of noise can almost make a person deaf. Just imagine yourself working with them continuously throughout the summers. It’s not only summer but they work for their entire three sixty five days of the year.

How will you feel if you are forced to work as a labour on your job? Okay, even if you have huge amount of muscular strength and muscular endurance, but that doesn’t mean you will be able to lift bricks or cement sacs. It’s actually in their practise. During the old days, labourers were never given a proper training or education and they were just working like anything. They were working on their own risks.

And whenever any kind of accidents used to take place there were hardly any hospitals or even medical treatments. There was not much of development in medicine and science like what we are seeing now. But now the time has changed immensely and people are seeing the impact of the technology.

Now even labourers require specific course certificate and a definite amount of experience in order to handle disastrous situations. A person has to pass through definite physical test and if he or she achieves success, then only they are handled that particular job title. There were no such strict rules during those time because the amount of labour was substantial.

And since there was not much development, manual labour was thought as one of the much appreciated jobs during that time. A job itself was thought to be the greatest success because other than that there was nothing else to do. The trend at that time was only about manual work and a good amount of payment.

Having happy family and nothing else. The rich class used to enjoy the luxurious lifestyle and that’s why there was no way for the lower class people to earn high. All of the luxurious lifestyle and the class or category of a person was dependent on the place of birth. If a child was born in aristocrat family then he was entitled as the true power of richness. Future is set. That’s it.

Traders mostly occupied the middle category. They were fairly rich. Though it might seemed like there was so much of discrimination, but thank yourself that you were born in the 21st century. During that time the sole role was dependent totally on luck. A slave always had to work like a slave. There was nothing more than that.

The gap always remained but thanks for the technology and education which has helped not only the middle class but even the poor ones to find brighter side of life. If you observe then you will find that the kids of these manual labourers are achieving great results just because of education.

Physical Pain


Who will love to become tough and rough with their body? They truly have balls of steel, when they risk their life on the construction sites. The percentage of fatalities on a construction site are always high because the work itself is risky. Sometimes even machine faults can lead to a danger to the labour workers.

Just because of them, we are able to live in a place with a roof over our heads. What will happen if all the manual labourers disappear? Will the individuals who are raised in a comfortable and luxury place be able to lift bricks? Just take example of yourself. Leave your office work and join as a labourer near to a construction site.

In an hour you will have a breakdown because we are not habituated to it. And even in the future we won’t be able to handle it. This is because our life from the start of birth has shaped in such a manner that we love to do things that don’t require much of physical work. The development of Science and Technology has led the generation to find ways in which work can be done quicker without taking much physical efforts.

Even this technology was not developed by itself. More than planning and generating reports, it takes a lot of efforts to maintain the product itself. If you take example of any electronic device, then there is some amount of human effort applied to it. Sometimes it can be more than the machine itself. Manual labourers are builders of a plan. If you don’t have any manpower then can you expect your plan to be successful?

Forget success because the product or that idea cannot even be created physically. Labourers are those people who convert an idea into reality. Just like the way we imagine and paint. It is similar to that. They bring those ideas alive. During this process no one knows how much pain they are going through.

They are the people who can take care of their family only when they are paid by their wages. Even if there is any kind of physical injury they have to work. And that is what makes them so much respectable. The problem is with us and our mentality. Just because we think that they are working under us, we find them as nothing in the real world.



Do you know why we proceed for educational qualifications? It is because we want to get rid of this physical work. We are always aiming over a position which has do with a lot of mental calculations and judgements. This is common goal of everyone because we want to earn high and become a major sensation within an organization.

Our ambitions are more related to managerial position and not with labour. And everyone knows that the way is through educational certificates or qualifications. We all know that no is entertained to a position without specific qualifications. One who manages to fulfil the criteria passes to grab a job.

But since a lot of people are aiming high then what is going to happen to the lowermost position? Of course someone needs to fulfil it because they are base for a production company or an organization. And that is why we need to think about that position too. Hundred years forward, no one knows what will happen to the labour condition because everyone wants to live rich.

Everyone wants a bright future and healthy lifestyle. If we don’t respect them today, then hardly anyone will love to do that work. It’s that simple.

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