Why Suicide Cases Are Increasing In 2020 Lockdown

Sometimes the worst nightmares happen in morning when we listen to the news that famous people are attempting suicide during lockdown. It feels like a chain because one after another, people are trying to end their lives due to uncontrolled poor health.

It’s not about physical health, I am talking about emotional, spiritual and mental health. The biggest lockdown in the history due to a deadly pandemic has created tremendous burden over everyone’s mind and feelings. Though people are adjusting themselves to this lockdown but still some of them can’t control their thoughts.

No one ever imagined that 2020 will turn like this because the mindset of the population was set to a daily routine. Everyone followed their daily schedules. The most affected ones were the people who travelled a lot. The ones who never spent a single minute of their time at one place had to deal with this unusual situation. The main problem is not a deadly virus which caused lockdown but it’s the shifting of mindset to deal with the situation.

For example travellers who are always travelling to different places will have vision and purpose of only “TRAVELLING”. They will explore places because that’s what they live for. So this kind of people only think about exploring different destinations. Though some of them adjust to such kind of situations but mostly not everyone are able to cope with it. It’s because of that routine.

Similarly each one of us are affected by the similar routine. No one wants to stay at home for a long period of time. You need to actually pat your back for staying and holding up for a long period of time because we can’t even think of locking ourselves in house for at least twenty-four hours.

The ones who drove for late night clubs or at parties, might feel like being in a jail. But there is a speciality within us that it helps us to settle slowly with time.




Life cannot be predicted at all. Predictions can never be part of life. Actually this term can never be controlled by our influential power. Predicting things that will turn up like this or that is an unrealistic process which only satisfies our imaginations to a limited period of time. Adjustments are necessary because the main part of struggles lie with it. We don’t know when a sudden situation will arrive in our life which can affect our lives drastically.

So coming towards the main topic of this article, why suicide cases arose during the lockdown. The first were the strict rules. It’s not only a specific country or an area that was affecting, but the entire world was suffering through it.

Even in such vast geographical location, there were specific areas also known as hotspots where the number of coronavirus cases were very high. The main reason was the population density, but the other main problem was lack of support by the population.

Due to increasing coronavirus cases some parts extended their lockdown because the main burden or the pressure were on hospitals and medical staffs. So the community was suffering mainly through the quarantine.

The major reason for the rise of suicide cases was lack of patience and poor mental health. Most of the time what happens is that we don’t understand which routine to follow.

Actually it’s not about the routine but it’s about reducing the consumption of the most desirable products. We are so obsessed with these daily-used products that we don’t understand at what limit and extend we should use it. I will list them down and explain them one by one.

1. Avoiding Use Of Smartphones

I am not talking about do you watch videos or share memes but the main product mobile can be a complete disaster if you are addicted to it. The amount of time you spend on screen can directly affect your eye sight.

Apple like company in order to safeguard its customer by long exposure of this addiction had added in-built setting to the latest versions which limits the “SCREEN TIME”. So it’s not about why they did that, but that initiative was so important not from the company’s point of view, but in this today’s world because smartphones are operating human’s mind.

There are messages lying in the chat box, there are online businesses going on, there are people scrolling through their social media feed. In order to keep the mind safe mobile phones are required to be avoided because in today’s world mobile phones operate human brain.

The main point I would like to add is the “VARIATION”. There are so many variations going on phones that we can’t just wait to buy the new one. But remember the amount of time you are spending on it is directly affecting your mind. The strain you will provide on your eyes will intensify negative thoughts which will ultimately make you feel tired.

2. Avoiding Television Sets

It might sound lame, but yes most of the time we spend is on television. Quarantine was the only word for Netflix and TV screen. Actually the number of subscribers joined Netflix were drastically increased during the lockdown. When we have more amount of time just like that of quarantine which took place due to lockdown then we will try to invest in watching movies or a long series.

The kind of movies you are watching also affects your mental health. If it’s horror, terrifying, violent then it’s like extra cheese topped on your pizza. The more amount you consume, it will take more time to burn it down. If you are watching a movie or a show then better take some amount time to look at your health first.

Your postures and concentration can affect your mind and body. Especially the crime scenes where we can’t lose our concentration at all has more negative impact than a love story. That’s why it is important to know what you are actually watching.

It also shapes your mind in that direction. For example, let’s take two kids. Suppose the kid 1 is watching a cartoon which is generally neutral in nature. And suppose the kid 2 is watching a crime series on Netflix. So who will get affected the most.

Though the kid 1 is watching a childish thing but it is perfect for his age. What about kid 2? He is watching what he shouldn’t. Of course kid 2 will get affected the most, but even his mindset will get affected. He will visualise those crime scenes and might apply in reality making him more violent.

He might be called as someone no one wants to be. It is because they visualise what they have been thought in their childhood. So it is important to avoid these kind of movies most importantly for children.

3. Avoiding Video Games

Most of the gamers might love their PC’s but yet there is a lot of distracting graphics out there. Nowadays we buy high quality video games in order to enjoy its graphics and controls.

But we are never informed that these videogames can control our mind. A movie or a series might get finish after watching it but videogames can’t. Videogames though might seem to be small thing in life, but can have great negative impact in your overall routine.

Television screen might not be that much addicting for you, but videogames are just another form of unhealthy addictions. It disturbs sleep, it disturbs your relationships. It also affects your internal changes which are happening inside your body. Video games can also be called as “DRUG” where you are forced to consume it purposely by your mind.

So it’s very disturbing that certain video games are caused of violence in the society. If you are not addicted to it, then it can be best to spend some time. Addicted video games just like the recent PUBG, where players are forced to play by the shrinking zone can be really be very irritating after sometime.

4. Avoiding social Media

The last and the most disastrous with highest degree of addiction, where almost half of the population is struggling through it. Yes it should have been the first spot, but it doesn’t display as a product.

Though it’s not a product but it is selling as a digital product because of its high consumption rate. Most of the teens and young adults might be struggling, but there is addition of the age range in past few years. The lower age group and even the grandfathers and grandmothers can’t avoid it.

Though they have enjoyed their life, but what about you? Will this life be more enjoyable with poor mental health? Already there are so many breakups happening all around that people are troubling and irritating each other.

Basically I can say toxicity is increasing nowadays. And this handheld devices, flat screens and videos games are addition to it. How much will you hurt your mind? Why are you affecting your mind so much? You too are human and before this technology vanishes you out please take time and control yourself not only in this quarantine, but even in your future life.

You can also read:

1.2 Steps To Protect Your Mental Health During Coronavirus Pandemic

2.Why We Are Never Happy With Money

3.Why You Need To Stop Sharing Memes

4.Why We Should Not Cheat In Exams

5.Why We Should Not Laugh At Others