Why We Should Always Be Authentic


It’s very much easy to trick a person by selling a fake product in name of a popular brand. How many times this has happened with you when you tried to buy something expensive of an authentic brand but it never ever lasted as it was told. Yes, it only means that the quality was cheap and you were basically fooled with a fake trademark. So generally we go according to a brand name and not what kind of product the person is selling.

So there are various ways to fool a person depending on the level of trust. This is because there are few cheaters who use some big name to mask themselves. Let’s keep this aside and just think that why do we trust these brands so much. Take the best example of Apple. You might be thinking that apple is famous because of its marketing.

Somewhat marketing gives a hope to increase sales but what if the quality is not good. Will the brand create its name in the market? If you see Apple as a versatile brand then it’s only because of its authenticity which it has created for years. It’s not easy to be who we are because we generally mask ourselves in order to act according to the needs of the society.

We first see what the society expects from us and then act accordingly. Apple is a brand not because it manufactures mobile phones but it is because of the trust they have gained from larger part of the population. Brands create trust and that is made by being what they have done for years. Simply by working on and creating the better version of themselves.

You might think it as a change of identity but it is not true. Improvement doesn’t change your identity because your purpose remains the same. Improvement only means that we are finding solution to the present problems. So if you don’t try to be authentic then you will always create a negative impression on every person’s mind.

Humans are evil because those observation remain in the form of memory. And further they start imagining out what you will do in the future. What if they realise that whatever you have done or acted previously doesn’t even fit their expectation. Of course they will stop trusting you. And from that moment onwards they will always carry a negative impression about you.

That seems to be very easily understandable but when it comes to practical performance we usually do things to mask our real ourselves. And when we realize then it becomes too late to convince others. So always make sure that you don’t work according to old beliefs and myths. Do what you want to do and it needs to align your true self.


We learned about why authenticity is important but have you ever experienced that what would happen if you don’t act according to what you have said publicly or in a small group? It can create dissatisfaction and mistrust among people who think you as a role model.

The best example you can take is of politician whom they call themselves as best in taking decision and actions but in reality they do nothing. So what would others calls you if you don’t act as per what you have said? Of course you will be teased as a hypocrite. Even if you are unpopular but the close relationships whom you talk frequently with will always think about you in that manner.

When you talk or communicate with someone about yourself make sure you don’t say something which doesn’t align with your values. Even if you are poor in some part don’t make yourself feel ashamed to say the truth. This is because if you tell lies, the same lies will make your future complex. As said before we humans are evil, we quickly keep memory about those things which are unique and brilliant.

But once we feel cheated we won’t turn up again. Authenticity is best explained when you talk about your personal experience. In the current world, people try to manipulate out things in order to make it look real. There are so many gadgets around world which can help us to do so but nothing can destruct you more than losing trust of yourself and that of others.

Though masking might help you but it won’t last forever. There will always be a situation where the truth will get revealed and then it will be too late to convince yourself. So to keep that trust with yourself and with others you have to work over yourself first. Before you speak anything in public or to your close relationships first have a lot of experience and practice it regularly.

Then only in the future you will be able to preserve the trust with everyone around and most importantly with yourself. So always speak straight to the point of what you have done. If you respect the reality then only you will called as an authentic and unique human. Always remember.

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